The Learned Eye, Regarding Art, Theory, and the Artist's Reputation. Essays for Ernst van der Wetering

Marieke van den Doel, Natasja van Eck, Gerbrand Korevaar, Anna Tummers & Thijs Weststeijn

Title:The Learned Eye, Regarding Art, Theory, and the Artist's Reputation. Essays for Ernst van der Wetering
Publisher:Amsterdam University Press


8  , Introduction
8  Thijs Weststeijn, The Learned Eye
13  , Biography of Ernst van de Wetering
17  , Part I. The work of art
18  Karin Groen, In the Beginning There Was Red
28  Peter Klein, The Use of Wood in Rembrandt's Workshop. Wood Identification and Dendrochronological Analyses
38  Egbert Haverkamp Begemann, Rembrandt's Drawing The Raising of the Cross in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
47  Martin Bijl, The Portrait of Theodorus Schrevelius
57  , Part II. The rules of art
58  Margriet van Eikema Hommes, The Contours in the Paintings of the Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch
86  Anna Tummers, Aelbert Cuyp's Innovative Use of Spatial Devices
99  Arthur Wheelock, Colour Symbolism in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting
111  Thijs Weststeijn, Rembrandt and Rhetoric, The Concepts of affectus, enargeia and ornatus in Samuel van Hoogstraten's Judgement of His Master
131  , Part III. The artist's reputation
132  Christopher Brown, 'A Record and memorial of his Talents for Posterity': Anthony van Dyck's Sketch of the Garter Procession
140  Madelon Simons, 'Das Werk erdacht und cirkulirt', The Position of Architects at the Court of King Ferdinand I of Bohemia and His Son, Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria
150  Mariette Haveman, Crossing the Wall of History, Etienne Delécluze on the Art and Morality of Jacques-Louis David
158  Eric Jan Sluijter, Goltzius, painting and Flesh: or, Why Goltzius Began to Paint in 1600
179  , Part IV. Painters, Patrons and Art-lovers
180  Michiel Franken, 'Pour mon honneur et pour vostre contentement': Nicolas Poussin, Paul Fréart de Chantelou and the Making and Collecting of Copies
190  Walter Liedtke, Gerard de Lairesse and Jacob de Wit in situ
206  Henk van Os, 'The Painter he findes at his Easill at worke'
214  , Bibliography of Ernst van de Wetering