5 | | H.J. Gortzak, Foreword
9 | | Koos van Brakel, Introduction
13 | | Marie-Odette Scalliet, The East India Company - 1600-1800, European Painters in the Dutch East Indies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
39 | | Marie-Odette Scalliet, 'Back to Nature' in the East Indies, European Painters in the Nineteenth Century East Indies
90 | | David van Duuren, Governors-General and Civilians, Portrait Art in the Dutch East Indies from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
103 | | Koos van Brakel, 'For Evidently, the Fine Arts do not Thrive in the Indies', The Artistic Climate in the Dutch East Indies in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
129 | | Jeannette ten Kate, Painting in a Garden of Eden, European Artists in Bali during the First Half of the Twentieth Century