Rembrandt, The Master & his Workshop

Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch & Pieter van Thiel

Title:Rembrandt, The Master & his Workshop
Place:New Haven; London
Publisher:Yale University Press; National Gallery Publications
ISBN:0300051492, 0300051506 (pbk)
Related persons: Rembrandt

Catalogue to the exhibition Rembrandt: the Master & his Workshop


7  Henning Bock, Henk van Os, Neil MacGregor, Directors' Foreword
9  Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch, Pieter van Thiel, Introduction
12  Ernst van de Wetering, Rembrandt's Manner: Technique in the Service of Illusion
40  A.Th. van Deursen, Rembrandt and his age: The life of an Amsterdam burgher
50  S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669): A Changing Portrait of the Artist
68  Josua Bruyn, Rembrandt's workshop: its function & production
90  Ernst van de Wetering, The invisible Rembrandt: the Results of technical and scientific Examination
106  Jeroen Boomgaard and Robert W. Scheller, A delicate Balance: a brief Survey of Rembrandt Criticism

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