Rembrandt's Women

Julia Lloyd Williams

Title:Rembrandt's Women
Place:Munich; London; New York
Related persons: Rembrandt

Catalogue to the exhibition Rembrandt's Women


7  Timothy Clifford, Michael Clarke, Phillip King, Norman Rosenthal, Preface
9  Julia Lloyd Williams, Acknowledgements
11  Julia Lloyd Williams, An introduction to Rembrandt's Women
19  S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, Rembrandt: his life, his wife, the nursemaid and the servant
29  E. de Jongh, The model woman and women of flesh and blood
37  Eric Jan Sluijter, 'Horrible nature, incomparable art': Rembrandt and the depiction of the female nude
47  Volker Manuth, 'As stark naked as one could possibly be painted...': the reputation of the nude female model in the age of Rembrandt
55  Marieke de Winkel, Fashion or fancy? Some interpretations of the dress of Rembrandt's women re-evaluated

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Albert Blankert, Rembrandt, Melbourne; Sydney; Zwolle, 1997
Werner Sumowski, Drawings of the Rembrandt School, New York, 1979-1992
Walter L. Strauss and Marjon van der Meulen with the assistence of S.A.C. Dudok van Heel and P.J.M. de Baar, The Rembrandt Documents, New York, 1979
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Otto Benesch, enlarged and edited by Eva Benesch, The drawings of Rembrandt, London/New York, 1973
Ernst Van de Wetering, Rembrandt, Amsterdam, 1997
H. Perry Chapman, Rembrandt's Self-Portraits, Princeton, NJ, 1990
Ger Luijten and Ariane van Suchtelen, Reinier Baarsen, Wouter Kloek, Marijn Schapelhouman (editors), Dawn of the Golden Age, Amsterdam - Zwolle, 1993
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, Landau/Pfalz, 1983-1994
H. Schneider mit einem Supplement von R.E.O. Ekkart, Jan Lievens, Amsterdam, 1973
Dr. C. Hofstede de Groot, Die Urkunden über Rembrandt (1575-1721), Den Haag, 1906
Abraham Bredius, The complete edition of the paintings [of] Rembrandt, London, 1969
E. de Jongh, Portretten van echt en trouw, Zwolle, 1986
Ben Broos, Rembrandt en tekenaars uit zijn omgeving, Amsterdam, 1981
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