J. Bruyn, B. Haak, S.H. Levie, P.J.J. van Thiel, E. van de Wetering,
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Walter L. Strauss and Marjon van der Meulen with the assistence of S.A.C. Dudok van Heel and P.J.M. de Baar,
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F.W.H. Hollstein,
Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts ca. 1450-1700, Amsterdam, Roosendaal, 1949- |
Abraham Bredius,
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Werner Sumowski,
Drawings of the Rembrandt School, New York, 1979-1992 |
Seymour Slive,
Frans Hals, London, 1970-72 |
Otto Benesch, enlarged and edited by Eva Benesch,
The drawings of Rembrandt, London/New York, 1973 |
Kenneth Clark,
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H. Perry Chapman,
Rembrandt's Self-Portraits, Princeton, NJ, 1990 |
Dr. C. Hofstede de Groot,
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Peter C. Sutton (ed.),
Masters of 17th-century Dutch landscape painting, Boston, 1987 |
Homan Potterton,
Dutch seventeenth and eighteenth century paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1986 |
W. Martin (ed.),
Gerard Dou, Stuttgart und Berlin, 1913 |
H.U. Beck,
Jan van Goyen, 1596-1656, Amsterdam, 1972 |
Michiel C. Plomp,
The Dutch drawings in the Teyler Museum, , 1997 |
Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.,
Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century, Washington; New York and Oxford, 1995 |
E. de Jongh,
Portretten van echt en trouw, Zwolle, 1986 |
Seymour Slive,
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Kurt Bauch,
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Ernst Van de Wetering,
Rembrandt, Amsterdam, 1997 |