Image and Belief, Studies in celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the Index of Christian Art

Colum Hourihane (ed.)

Title:Image and Belief, Studies in celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the Index of Christian Art
Place:Princeton, N.J.
Publisher:Index of Christian Art, Dept. of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University in association with Princeton University Press
Pages:xxvi, 314
ISBN:0691010021 (cloth), 069101003X (paper)


ix  Colum Hourihane, Preface
xi  Eleanor E. Fink, Preface
3  Colum Hourihane, Introduction
11  Jaroslav Folda, Problems in the Iconography of the Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land: 1098-1291/1917-1997
25  Debra Hassig, The Iconography of Rejection: Jews and Other Monstrous Races
47  Alison Stones, Nipples, Entrails, Severed Heads, and Skin: Devotional Images for Madame Marie
71  Dorothy Hoogland Verkerk, Moral Structure in the Ashburnham Pentateuch
89  Adelaide Bennett, A Woman's Power of Prayer versus the Devil in a Book of Hours of ca. 1300
109  Cynthia Hahn, Interpictoriality in the Limoges Chasses of Stephen, Martial, and Valerie
125  Andreas Petzold, "Of the Significance of Colours": The Iconography of Colour in Romanesque and Early Gothic Book Illumination
135  James D'Emilio, Looking Eastward: The Story of Noe at Monreale Cathedral
151  Giovanni Freni, The Architecture and Sculpture of the Portal of the South Side of Arezzo Cathedral
169  Avril Henry, Daring Conflation? A Difficult Image in the Genesis Sequence of the Eton Roundels (Eton College, Ms. 177, f. 2r)
205  John V. Fleming, The Personal Appropriation of Iconographic Forms: Two Franciscan Signatures
215  Lutz Heusinger, How to Improve Art-Historical Services
227  Helene E. Roberts, The Persistence of Mythological, Religious, and Literary Narratives as Subjects of Works of Art
243  Peter van Huisstede, The Iconography of The Ship of State by Peter Paul Rubens: A Variant on the Theme "Hercules am Scheidewege"
259  Carol Togneri, ICONCLASS and Its Application to Primary Documents
271  Hans Brandhorst, Ululas Athenas: Owls to Athens
291  Jörgen van den Berg and Gerda G.J. Duijfjes-Vellekoop, Translating ICONCLASS and the Connectivity Concept of the Iconclass2000 Browser