14 | | László Baán, Words of welcome
16 | | Judit Geskó, Van Gogh in Budapest
23 | | Roland Dorn, Vincents Geige, Van Goghs Selbstbild, seine Interpreten und sein Oeuvre
46 | | Roland Dorn, Vincent's Violin, Van Gogh's Self-Portrait(s), His Interpreters and His Oeuvre
65 | | Werner Hofmann, Alles reizte ihn zum Widerspruch
74 | | Werner Hofmann, Everything Provoked Contradiction
83 | | Oskar Bätschmann, Vincent van Gogh erwählt sich Rembrandt und Delacroix
96 | | Oskar Bätschmann, Van Gogh Chooses Rembrandt and Delacroix
107 | | Cornelia Homburg, Van Gogh and Rembrandt: Motivation for a Modern Painter
121 | | Judit Geskó, The Question of Distortion in Van Gogh's Graphic Art or Might Michelangelo Have Been a Model?
131 | | Sjraar van Heugten, Nine Lithographs and an Etching. The Graphic Work of Vincent van Gogh
143 | | Péter Molnos - Judit Geskó, Vincent van Gogh's Works in Hungary
169 | | Árpád Tímár, The Reception of Van Gogh's Art in Hungary
199 | | Martha op de Coul, The Brief Life of Vincent van Gogh
375 | | Ilona Fekete, Vincent van Gogh and French Graphic Arts or the "Faithful Veterans"
385 | | Judit Geskó, Vincent van Gogh's Musée Imaginaire. Related Works from the Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
399 | | Monika Bincsik, "A Simple Worshipper of the Eternal Buddha". The Japonisme of Vincent van Gogh
449 | | Péter Molnos, Parallels and Influences. Van Gogh and Hungarian Painting