xv | | Lars R. Jones & Louisa C. Matthew, Acknowledgments
xix | | , Publications by John Shearman
3 | | Barbara Pike Gordley, Getting Carried Away: The Illustration of Abduction in Gratian's Decretum
11 | | Adrian W.B. Randolph, Il Marzocco: Lionizing the Florentine State
19 | | Judith Steinhoff, A Mysterious Magdalen: Miracles, Politics & a Lost Altarpiece for Lecceto
27 | | Andrew C. Blume, Botticelli's Commission for Sant'Elisabetta delle Convertite & the Courtauld Trinity
33 | | Kathleen Wren Christian, Petrarch's Triumph of Chastity in Leonardo's Lady with an Armine
41 | | Giovanna Galante Garrone, From Southwest Piedmont: A Fragment by Hans Clemer
49 | | Christa Gardner von Teuffel, Light on the Cross: Cardinal Pedro Gonzälez de Mendoza & Antoniazzo Romano in Sta. Croce in Gerusalemme, Rome
57 | | Margaret Haines, Ghiberti's Trip to Venice
65 | | Megan Holmes, "Behold the Head of the Baptist": The Engaged Spectator & Filippo Lippi's Feast of Herod
73 | | Lars R. Jones, Meditations on the Metapicture: Francesco Botticini's Saint Jerome in the National Gallery, London
83 | | Randi Klebanoff, Revisions: The Arca di San Domenico in Michelangelo's Early Career
93 | | Deborah L. Krohn, San Gimignano Gets the Finger: The Creation of a Reliquary
99 | | Barnaby Nygren, Puns, Polysemy & Interpretation in Filippo Lippi's Saint Jerome in the Desert with Saints John the Baptist & Ansanus
105 | | Anabel Thomas, Painting for a Confraternity? Heraldic Details & Familial Connections: Neri di Bicci's Montreal Altarpiece of the Virgin & Child with Saints Blaise & Michael
115 | | Laura C. Agoston, Transfiguring Raphael: Identity, Authenticity & the Persona of Christ
123 | | Andrea Bayer, Cose bresciane del Cinquecento: A New Devotional Painting by Moretto da Brescia
127 | | Molly Bourne, A Viceroy Comes to Mantua: Ramón Folch de Cardona, Lorenzo Costa & the Italian Renaissance in Spain
135 | | Cammy Brothers, Architecture, History, Archaeology: Drawing Ancient Rome in the Letter to Leo X & in Sixteenth-Century Practice
141 | | Tracy E. Cooper, Prolegomenon to a Quarrel of Images
149 | | David J. Drogin, "Lo Spirito di Donato": Young Michelangelo & the Sculpture of Donatello
157 | | Bruce L. Edelstein, Observations on the Genesis & function of Bronzino's Frankfurt Modello for the Vault Decoration in the Chapel of Eleonora
165 | | David Ekserdjian, Parmigianino & the Entombment
173 | | Caroline Elam, Viva Papa Leone: Baccio d'Agnolo & the Palazzo Lanfredini in Florence
183 | | Jeffrey Fontana, Federico Barocci's Emulation of Raphael in the Fossombrone Madonna & Child with Saints
191 | | Cathleen Sara Hoeniger, The Reception of Correggio's Loves of Jupiter
199 | | Geraldine A. Johnson, Michaelangelo, Fortunetelling & the Formation of Artistic Canons in Fanti's Triompho di Fortuna
207 | | Martin Kemp, From Different Points of View: Correggio, Copernicus & the Mobile Observer
215 | | Stuart P. Lingo, Retrospection & the Genesis of Federico Barocci's Immaculate Conception
223 | | Louisa C. Matthew, Lorenzo Lotto: The Historiography of a Reputation
227 | | Martha McCrory, Cesare Federighi da Bagno: Medalist, Gem Engraver & Sculptor in the Workshop of Cellini
235 | | Thomas McGrath, Drawing Practices & Market Forces in Sixteenth-Century Italy
243 | | Alexander Nagel, Christ in Ecstasy: The Passion According to Michelangelo & Rosso
251 | | Arnold Nesselrath, Memory & Memorial: Lorenzetto's Tomb in Old St. Peter's
255 | | Scott Opler, Palladio & Vignola on the Orders
267 | | Benjamin Paul, Issues of Political Iconography: Clement VII's Personal & Political Concerns in his Representation as Leo I in the Sala di Costantino
275 | | Nicholas Penny, Absent Architecture in Sixteenth-Century Altarpieces
281 | | Sheryl E. Reiss, Giulio de' Medici & Mario Maffei: A Renaissance Friendship & the Villa Madama
289 | | Gyde Shepherd, Raphael's "Space-Composition": From the Piccolomini Library to the Sistine Tapestries
297 | | Susan Spinale, The Specifics of Time & Place in the View of Venice of 1500
303 | | Wendy J. Wegener, The Effects of Tridentine Reforms on Condottiere Chapels & Tombs
307 | | Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Notes on Cassinese Choirs: Acoustics & Religious Architecture in Northern Italy
313 | | Eric Wolf, The French Connection: Philibert de l'Orme Reads Francesco di Giorgio Martini
317 | | Stephan Wolohojian, The Warburg Virgin & Child with Saints Jerome & Francis in the Fogg Art Museum
325 | | Nina Cannizzaro, The Nile, Nothingness & Knowledge: The Incogniti Impresa
333 | | Una Roman d'Elia, Classicism & the Problem of National Style: The Illustrations of Claude Perrault's Vitruvius
343 | | Louisa M. Connor Bulman, "All the Profusion of Eaton & Santo Bartoli": The First Collections of Ancient Painting in Britain
349 | | Christopher D.H. Row, The London Churches of Ernest Charles Shearman: St. Silas the Martyr, Anglo-Catholicism & the Modern Gothic Tradition
359 | | Linda S. Aleci, Portraits & Historians
367 | | Meredith J. Gill, "With a Proud Hand I Signed": Looking from Behind the Easel
375 | | Caroline Karpinski, Preamble to a New Print Typology
381 | | Alessandro Nova, The Kite, Envy & Memory of Leonardo da Vinci's Childhood
387 | | Lisa Pon with Craigen Bowen, Using Digital Imaging to Compare States of a Print