Imaging Global Amsterdam, History, Culture, and Geography in a World City

Marco de Waard (ed.)

Title:Imaging Global Amsterdam, History, Culture, and Geography in a World City
Publisher:Amsterdam University Press
Series:Cities and Cultures
ISBN13:9789089643674, 9789048515134 (pdf), 9789048517992 (ePub)


7  MdW, Acknowledgments
9  Marco de Waard, Amsterdam and the Global Imaginary
27  Ulrich Ufer, Imagining Social Change in Early-Modern Amsterdam: Global Processes, Local Perceptions
45  Dorothee Sturkenboom, Amidst Unscrupulous Neightbours: Amsterdam Money and Foreign Interests in Dutch Patriotic Imagery
67  Michael Wintle, Visualizing Commerce and Empire: Decorating the Built Environment of Amsterdam
83  Joyce Goggin and Erinç Salor, Romance and Commerce: Imagining Global Amsterdam in the Contemporary Historical Novel
101  Marco de Waard, Dutch Decline Redux: Remembering New Amsterdam in the Global and Cosmopolitan Novel
125  Patricia Pisters, Form, Punch, Caress: Johan van der Keuken's Global Amsterdam
143  Marco de Waard, Rembrandt on Screen: Art Cinema, Cultural Heritage, and the Museumization of Urban Space
169  Sabine Vanacker, Imagining a Global Village: Amsterdam in Janwillem van de Wetering's Detective Fiction
187  Henriette Louwerse, Amsterdam, City of Sirens: On Hafid Bouazza's Short Story 'Apolline'
201  Mark E. Demaci, Amsterdam and/as New Babylon: Urban Modernity's Contested Trajectories
219  Freek Schmidt, Amsterdam's Architectural Image from Early-Modern Print Series to Global Heritage Discourse
239  Jeroen Dewulf, Amsterdam Memorials, Multiculturalism, and the Debate on Dutch Identity
255  Bharain Mac an Bhreuthiún, Graphic Design, Globalization, and Placemaking in the Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam
273  Michaël Deinema and Manuel B. Aalbers, A Global Red-Light City? Prostitution in Amsterdam as a Real-and-Imagined Place
289  Markha Valenta, Global Eros in Amsterdam: Religion, Sex, Politics