Self Portrait, Renaissance to Contemporary

Anthony Bond and Joanna Woodall

Title:Self Portrait, Renaissance to Contemporary
Publisher:National Portrait Gallery Publications
ISBN:1855143569 (hardback), 1855143577 (pbk.)
ISBN13:9781855143562 (hardback), 9781855143579 (pbk.)

Catalogue to the exhibition Self Portrait: Renaissance to Contemporary


7  Edmund Capon, Sandy Nairne, Directors' Foreword
9  Kevin Lygo, Rob Priestley, Sponsors' Forewords
11  Anthony Bond, Joanna Woodall, Preface
17  Joanna Woodall, 'Every Painter Paints Himself': Self-Portraiture and Creativity
31  Anthony Bond, Performing the Self?
43  Ludmilla Jordanova, The Body of the Artist
57  T.J. Clark, The Look of Self-Portraiture
67  Joseph Leo Koerner, Self-Portraiture Direct and Oblique
204  Sandy Nairne, Interview with Chuck Close, 6 July 2005

This book is cited in

Dita Amory (ed.), Pierre Bonnard, New York; New Haven and London, 2009
Walter Liedtke, Dutch paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New Haven, 2007
David Bomford, Jo Kirby, Ashok Roy, Axel RĂ¼ger, Raymond White, Rembrandt, London; [New Haven, Conn.], 2006