Werner Sumowski,
Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, Landau/Pfalz, 1983-1994 |
Werner Sumowski,
Drawings of the Rembrandt School, New York, 1979-1992 |
Karel van Mander (edited by Hessel Miedema),
The Lives of the Illustrious Netherlandish and German Painters, Doornspijk, 1994-1999 |
Pieter J.J. van Thiel, C.J. de Bruyn Kops, Jola Cleveringa, Wouter Kloek, Annemarie Vels Heijn,
All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Amsterdam; Maarssen, 1976 |
F.W.H. Hollstein,
Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts ca. 1450-1700, Amsterdam, Roosendaal, 1949- |
Christopher Brown,
Carel Fabritius, Oxford, 1981 |
Norbert Middelkoop (redactie),
Kopstukken, Bussum, 2002 |
Walter L. Strauss and Marjon van der Meulen with the assistence of S.A.C. Dudok van Heel and P.J.M. de Baar,
The Rembrandt Documents, New York, 1979 |
Frederik J. Duparc, with Gero Seelig, Ariane van Suchtelen,
Carel Fabritius, 1622-1654, Zwolle, 2004 |
John Loughman & John Michael Montias,
Public and Private Spaces, Zwolle, 2000 |
Marjorie E. Wieseman,
Caspar Netscher and late seventeenth-century Dutch painting, Doornspijk, 2002 |
J. Bruyn, B. Haak, S.H. Levie, P.J.J. van Thiel, E. van de Wetering,
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Marcel Roethlisberger,
Bartholomeus Breenbergh, Berlin / New York, 1981 |
Alison McNeil Kettering,
Drawings from the Ter Borch Studio Estate, Den Haag, 1988 |
O. Naumann,
Frans van Mieris the Elder (1635-1681), Doornspijk, 1981 |
H. van Hall,
Portretten van Nederlandse beeldende kunstenaars, Amsterdam, 1963 |
Albert Blankert,
Rembrandt, Melbourne; Sydney; Zwolle, 1997 |
Barbara Gaehtgens,
Adriaen van der Werff (1659-1772), München, 1987 |
J. Bruyn, B. Haak, S.H. Levie, P.J.J. van Thiel, E. van de Wetering,
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, Dordrecht; Boston; London, 1989 |
Walter Liedtke, Michiel C. Plomp, and Axel Ruger,
Vermeer and the Delft School, New Haven, 2001 |