
7 Bible
73 New Testament
73D Passion of Christ
73D3 Christ's arrest, trial, and torture
73D35 tortures of Christ

73D351 Flagellation by soldiers, Christ usually tied to a column (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1)

            73D3511 preparations for the flagellation of Christ (5)
            73D3512 Christ with wounds caused by scourging (1)
            73D3513 Christ collecting his clothes after the flagellation

Circle of Rembrandt
Christ at the column
in or after 1631

Francesco Bacchiacca
The flagellation of Christ

Cornelis van Haarlem
The Flagellation of Christ

Attributed to Rembrandt
Christ at the Column
c. 1646

Bartolome Esteban Murillo
The penitent St Peter kneeling before Christ at the Column
c. 1670

Karel van Savoy
Christ prepared for flagellation

Christ Before the Flagellation
c. 1655-56

Rembrandt Workshop
Christ at the Column

Diego Velazquez
Christ after the Flagellation contemplated by the Christian soul
c. 1628-32