
9 Classical Mythology and Ancient History
92 gods ~ classical mythology

92N Gods of the underworld

            92N1 (story of) Pluto (Hades), Dis Pater, Orcus (1)
            92N2 (story of) Hecate, goddess of witches and magicians
            92N3 Furies, Dirae (Erinyes), Eumenides; 'Furie' (Ripa)
            92N4 Ker(es)
            92N5 (story of) Hypnos (Sleep) and his brother Thanatos (Death)
            92N6 gods of dream (Oneiroi) (Morpheus, Phobetor, Phantasus)
            92N7 other gods of the underworld

The Abduction of Proserpina
c. 1630