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Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
36 University Ave
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
Jan Lievens
The Penitent Magdalene
c. 1631
Lambert Doomer
A Venetian Courtesan
Constantijn van Renesse
Gideon and the Angel
c. 1651
Claes Cornelisz. Moeyaert
Joseph Selling Grain in Egypt
c. 1650
Frans Francken the Younger
The Four Latin Fathers of the Church
c. 1620
Aert de Gelder
Juda and Tamar
Jan Lievens
Saint Paul
c. 1624-25
Jacob Pynas
The Stoning of St. Stephen
Study of an Old Man
c. 1661
Head of an old man
c. 1630
Cornelis Bisschop
A Scholar in His Study
c. 1655
Jan Lievens
The Adoration of the Magi
Jan Lievens
Profile head of an old woman
Govert Flinck and Workshop
King David Writing the Psalms
c. 1659-60
Nicolaes Maes
The sacrifice of Abraham
c. 1653-54
Paulus Lesire
Healing of Tobit
c. 1640
Jan Lievens
A Man Singing
c. 1624
Jan van de Venne
Tobias Healing His Father's Blindness
late 1620s?
Reyer Jacobs van Blommendael
The Good Samaritan
c. 1665
Willem de Poorter
The Idolatry of Solomon
c. 1645
Johannes Lingelbach
A Garden with an Artist Drawing from Antiquities
c. 1671
Jan Victors
Ruth and Naomi
Jacob van Spreeuwen
Allegory of Vanitas
c. 1645
Jan van Noordt
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert
c. 1675
Maerten van der Fuijck
Tobias and the Angel Roasting the Fish
Philips Koninck
Panoramic Landscape with Mountains
c. 1676
Cornelis Saftleven
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
c. 1670
Jacob Pynas
The Raising of Lazarus
Rombout Jansz. van Troyen
Fantasy Grotto with a Fountain, Sculptures and a Scene of Martyrdom
c. 1645-50
François Verwilt
The Education of Mary
c. 1660
Cornelis Bisschop
The Contest between Apollo and Pan
c. 1657-60?
Karel van der Pluym
The Expulsion of Hagar
c. 1655
Jan van de Venne
The Crucifixion of St. Philip the Apostle
probably 1630s
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout
Jacob's Dream
Lambert Doomer
A Ram in a Wooded Landscape
probably 1660s
Circle of Lucas de Heere
Portrait of a Girl
c. 1565
Jacob Adriaensz. Backer
Granida and Dafilo
c. 1640
Jan van Noordt
The Satyr and the Peasant Family
c. 1650
Jacques Ignatius de Roore
Susanna and the Elders
c. 1735
Godfrey Kneller
Portrait of a Young Man
Attributed to Pieter Thijs
The Mocking of Jesus
c. 1650
Jan van Noordt
The Massacre of the Innocents
c. 1660
David Teniers the Younger
Lot Fleeing Sodom
c. 1650
Attributed to Michael Sweerts
A Peasant Holding a Wine Jug
c. 1650
Jacob de Wet the Younger
The Angel Leaving Tobias and His Family
c. 1672
Govert Flinck
Antique King
Follower of Dirck van Baburen
Jesus among the Doctors
c. 1650
David Teniers the Elder
Elijah Being Fed by the Ravens
c. 1640
Adriaen Thomasz. Key
Portrait of a Gentleman
Anthonie Palamedesz.
Bust-length Portrait of a Woman
c. 1661
Jan Albertsz. Rotius
Portrait of Five Sisters
c. 1655
Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde
Riders Gathering in front of a Walled Estate
c. 1685
Attributed to Isaac Luttichuys
Portrait of a Gentleman
c. 1638
Jacob de Villeers
Mountain Landscape with Travellers
c. 1650-60
Abraham Begeijn
Goats in an Italian Landscape
c. 1665
Follower of Jan Wijnants
Fortuna Regum
mid 1660s
Workshop of Joachim Beuckelaer
The Poultry Vendors
c. 1565
Aert Jansz. Marienhof
The Three Marys at the Tomb
Portrait of a Man with Arms Akimbo
Attributed to Roelant Roghman
Mountainous Landscape with Hunters
2nd half of the 17th century