Two sailing-boats at anchor
c. 1636
Peasant cart in full drive
c. 1636
Cottage with a landing-place
c. 1636
Farm-house amid a copse
c. 1636
Row of trees in an open field
c. 1636
Farm-house with trees by a water, and a draw-bridge
c. 1639
Tobit and Tobias kneeling before the angel
c. 1637
Joseph expounding the prisoners' dreams
Nude Man Kneeling
c. 1640
Beheading of Prisoners
c. 1640
The Beheading of the Tarquinian Conspirators
c. 1640
The Beaheading of St. John the Baptist
c. 1640
The Beheading of St. John the Baptist
c. 1640
Woman Kneeling in Prayer
c. 1640-41
A Sketch of the Executioner
c. 1640-41
The Entombment of Christ
c. 1640-41
Christ's Body Carried to the Tomb
c. 1640-41
Several Scenes of Execution
c. 1640-41
Study for a Presentation in the Temple
c. 1640-41
The Triumph of Mordecai
The Baptism of the Eunuch
c. 1640-41
Tobit Reading to Anna from the Bible
c. 1640-41
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
c. 1640-41
The Death of Jacob
c. 1640-42
Potiphar's Wife Accusing Joseph
c. 1640-42
Jesus and His Disciples
c. 1640-42
Tobias and the Angel
c. 1640-42
Tobias with the Angel Disembowelling the Fish
c. 1640-42
Hagar and Ishmael with the Angel in the Desert
c. 1640-42
The Dismissal of Hagar
c. 1640-42
Christ Among the Doctors
c. 1640-42
Two Men in Oriental Dress in Discussion
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
c. 1640-42
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
c. 1640-42
Eliezer and Rebekah at the Well
c. 1640-42
The Dismissal of Hagar
c. 1640-42
The Angel Threatening Balaam
c. 1640-42
Isaac Blessing Jacob
c. 1640-42
Isaac Blessing Jacob
c. 1640-42
Isaac Blessing Jacob
c. 1640-42
Isaac Blessing Jacob
c. 1640-42
Study for a Presentation in the Temple
c. 1640-42
The Incredulity of St. Thomas
c. 1640-42
Joseph Revealing Himself to His Brethren
c. 1640-42
Christ Taken Before Caiaphas
c. 1641-42
Satan Tempting Christ
c. 1640-42
Satan Tempting Christ
c. 1640-42
The Holy Family in the Carpenter's Workshop
c. 1645
The Holy Family in the Carpenter's Workshop
c. 1640-42
The Raising of Lazarus
c. 1641-42
Study of a Seated Woman
c. 1641-42
The Good Samaritan Arriving at the Inn
c. 1641-43
The Good Samaritan
c. 1641-43
The Return of the Prodigal Son
c. 1642
Mourners Beneath the Cross
c. 1642
Diana and Callisto
c. 1642-43
The Adoration of the Magi
c. 1642-43
Shepherdess with Her Flock
c. 1641-43
The Dismissal of Hagar and Ishmael
c. 1642-43
The Dismissal of Hagar
c. 1642-43