Aert de Gelder (1645 - 1727)

Dutch painter

Aert de Gelder - Old Woman Praying
Old Woman Praying

Aert de Gelder - Esther and Mordecai write the second Purim-letter
Esther and Mordecai write the second Purim-letter
c. 1685

Aert de Gelder - Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo

Aert de Gelder - Jacob's Dream
Jacob's Dream

Aert de Gelder - Abraham's Sacrifice
Abraham's Sacrifice

Aert de Gelder - Esther puts on her royal robes
Esther puts on her royal robes

Aert de Gelder - Allegory on Peace
Allegory on Peace
c. 1685

Aert de Gelder - Christ Taken Prisoner (Betrayal of Christ)
Christ Taken Prisoner (Betrayal of Christ)

Arent de Gelder - Young Man in Phantasy Costume
Young Man in Phantasy Costume

Aert de Gelder - Tamar Changes from Her Widow's Clothes
Tamar Changes from Her Widow's Clothes

Aert de Gelder - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Aert de Gelder - Ahasuerus consents and yields his signet-ring to Haman
Ahasuerus consents and yields his signet-ring to Haman
c. 1683/85

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man

Arent de Gelder - Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Aert de Gelder - Family portrait
Family portrait
c. 1720

Aert de Gelder - Allegory on Peace and its consequences
Allegory on Peace and its consequences
c. 1685

Aert de Gelder - Esther

Aert de Gelder - Johan van der Burch
Johan van der Burch

Aert de Gelder - Esther

Aert de Gelder - Dr. Faust
Dr. Faust

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman

Arent de Gelder - Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man

Aert de Gelder - Charlotte Elisabeth van Blijenburgh
Charlotte Elisabeth van Blijenburgh

Aert de Gelder - Tobias in the House of Edna and Raguel
Tobias in the House of Edna and Raguel
c. 1690

Aert de Gelder - Christ and the Angel on the Mount of Olives
Christ and the Angel on the Mount of Olives

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man

Aert de Gelder - Crying Joseph
Crying Joseph

Aert de Gelder - Boy in a phantasy costume
Boy in a phantasy costume

Arent de Gelder - History scene
History scene

Aert de Gelder - The Ascension
The Ascension

Aert de Gelder - Esther

Aert de Gelder - The Flight to Egypt
The Flight to Egypt

Aert de Gelder - The arrest of Christ
The arrest of Christ

Aert de Gelder - A painter's studio
A painter's studio

Arent de Gelder - Ahasver

Aert de Gelder - The Writing of the Marriage Letter between Tobias and Sarah
The Writing of the Marriage Letter between Tobias and Sarah

Aert de Gelder - Ahasuerus and Haman
Ahasuerus and Haman

Aert de Gelder - Young man with a hat
Young man with a hat

Aert de Gelder - A King from the Old Testament
A King from the Old Testament

Aert de Gelder - Ahasuerus Ordering Haman to Honour Mordechai
Ahasuerus Ordering Haman to Honour Mordechai

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of Herman Boerhaave
Portrait of Herman Boerhaave

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a couple
Portrait of a couple

Aert de Gelder - Esther and Mardochai
Esther and Mardochai

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man

Aert de Gelder - Edna Blessing Tobias and Sarah
Edna Blessing Tobias and Sarah

Aert de Gelder - Isaac meets Rebekah
Isaac meets Rebekah

Aert de Gelder - Christ Preaching
Christ Preaching

Aert de Gelder - The Flagellation of Christ
The Flagellation of Christ

Aert de Gelder - Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman

Aert de Gelder - Boy with an Engraving
Boy with an Engraving

Aert de Gelder - Judah and Tamar
Judah and Tamar
c. 1700

Aert de Gelder - Ahasuerus Receives Mordecai in the Presence of Esther
Ahasuerus Receives Mordecai in the Presence of Esther
c. 1685

Aert de Gelder - Christ on the Mount of Olives
Christ on the Mount of Olives
c. 1715

Aert de Gelder - Oriental with turban and brocade robe
Oriental with turban and brocade robe

Aert de Gelder - Female allegorical figure
Female allegorical figure

Aert de Gelder - Joseph with the cup
Joseph with the cup

Aert de Gelder - The two Marys meet the Risen Christ
The two Marys meet the Risen Christ