Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659 - 1743)

French painter and draftsman

Overview | Works (14)

Articles on Hyacinthe Rigaud
Mary O'Neill, Three Drawings in American Collections after Portraits by Rigaud, in Master Drawings, 22, 1984 pp. 186-194, 247-249

Articles with substantial mentioning of Hyacinthe Rigaud
Brigitte Klesse, Studien ui Italienischen und Französischen Gemälden des Wallraf-Richartz-Museums, in Gert von der Osten (ed.), Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1972, pp 175-262

Exhibitions with works by Hyacinthe Rigaud:
2018     The Orléans Collection
2017     Die Menagerie der Medusa

Born:   1659
Died:   1743
ULAN:   500024827