Johann Ulrich Mayr (1630 - 1704)

German painter

Johann Ulrich Mayr - The old Tobias and the angel Raphael
The old Tobias and the angel Raphael

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Joseph expounding the backer's dream
Joseph expounding the backer's dream
c. 1654

Johann Ulrich Mayr - David with Goliath's head
David with Goliath's head

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Christ
c. 1648

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Virgil

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Young man with a sword
Young man with a sword

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Vertumnus and Pomona
Vertumnus and Pomona

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Woman with fruit
Woman with fruit

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Christoph Rudolph Graf Fugger-Glött
Christoph Rudolph Graf Fugger-Glött

Johann Ulrich Mayr - The Apostel Philippus
The Apostel Philippus

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Self-Portrait

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Ferdinand Bonaventura Count Harrach
Ferdinand Bonaventura Count Harrach

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Christoph Georg Mayr, the artist's father
Christoph Georg Mayr, the artist's father

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Benedikt Winckler
Benedikt Winckler

Johann Ulrich Mayr - A Young Painter
A Young Painter

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Poeta laureatus
Poeta laureatus

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Susanna Mayr, the artist's Mother
Susanna Mayr, the artist's Mother

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Portrait of a Man with Beard
Portrait of a Man with Beard
c. 1653

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Self-Portrait

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man

Johann Ulrich Mayr - The Poetic Muse Thalia
The Poetic Muse Thalia
early 1650s

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Philosopher with a skull
Philosopher with a skull

Johann Ulrich Mayr - The resurrection of Christ
The resurrection of Christ

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Man with Golden Necklacxe and Talon Purse
Man with Golden Necklacxe and Talon Purse

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Self-Portrait

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Saint Andrew
Saint Andrew

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Saint John
Saint John

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Judas Thaddeus
Judas Thaddeus

Johann Ulrich Mayr - Saint Luke
Saint Luke