Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680)

Italian sculptor, architect, painter, and designer

Overview | Works (2)

Books with substantial mentioning of Gian Lorenzo Bernini
 Manfred Knedlik (Redaktion)
Faszination Meisterwerk, Dürer, Rembrandt, Riemenschneider
Nürnberg, 2004

Articles on Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Karen J. Lloyd, Bernini and the Vacant See, in Burlington Magazine, 150, 2008 pp. 821-824
Michael Hall, Gianlorenzo Bernini's third design for the east façade of the Louvre of 1665, drawn by Mattia de Rossi, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 478-482
Tomaso Montanari, A new portrait by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 148, 2006 pp. 478-481
Fabio Barry, New documents on the decoration of Bernini's Fonseca Chapel, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 396-399
Ann Sutherland Harris, Three Proposals for Gian Lorenzo Bernini, in Master Drawings, 41, 2003 pp. 119-127
Loredana Lorizzo, Bernini's 'apparato effimero' for the canonisation of St Elisabeth or Portugal in 1625, in Burlington Magazine, 145, 2003 pp. 354-360
Alice Jarrard, Inventing in Bernini's shop in the late 1660s: projects for Cardinal Rinaldo d'Este, in Burlington Magazine, 144, 2002 pp. 409-419
Thomas Frangenberg, Giovanni Lotti on a lost work by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 144, 2002 pp. 434-437
Andrea Bolland, Desiderio and Diletto: Vision, Touch, and the Poetics of Bernini's Apollo and Daphne, in Art Bulletin, 82, 2000 pp. 309-330
Sarah McPhee, Bernini's Books, in Burlington Magazine, 142, 2000 pp. 442-448
Jennifer Tonkovich, Two Studies for the Gesù and a 'Quarantore' Design by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 34-37
Angela Delaforce, Jennifer Montagu, Paulo Varela Gomes, Miguel Soromenho, A Fountain by Gianlorenzo Bernini and Ercole Ferrata in Portugal, in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 804-811
Dorothy Metzger Habel, Bernini's d'Aste Family Tombs in S. Maria in Via Lata, Rome: A Reconstruction, in Art Bulletin, 79, 1997 pp. 291-300
Gudrun Raatschen, Plaster Casts of Bernini's Bust of Charles I, in Burlington Magazine, 138, 1996 pp. 813-816  read online
Steven F. Ostrow, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Girolamo Lucenti, and the Statue of Philip IV in S. Maria Maggiore: Patronage and Politics in Seicento Rome, in Art Bulletin, 73, 1991 pp. 89-118
Tod A. Marder, Bernini and Alexander VII: Criticism and Praise of the Pantheon in the Seventeenth Century, in Art Bulletin, 71, 1989 pp. 628-645  read online
John Varriano, A Drawing by Bernini for a Print Dedicated to Alexander VII, in Master Drawings, 23/24, 1985 pp. 54-55, 141
Susanne Warma, Ecstasy and Vision: Two Concepts Connected with Bernini's Teresa, in Art Bulletin, 66, 1984 pp. 508-511  read online
Joy Kenseth, Bernini's Borghese Sculptures: Another View, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 191-210  read online
Judith E. Bernstock, Bernini's Memorials to Ippolito Merenda and Alessandro Valtrini, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 210-232  read online
Robert W. Berger, Bernini's Louis XIV Equestrian: A Closer Examination of Its Fortunes at Versailles, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 232-248  read online
George Bauer and Linda Bauer, Bernini's Organ-Case for S. Maria del Popolo, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 115-123  read online
Judith Bernstock, Bernini's Memorial to Maria Raggi, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 243-255  read online
Tod A. Marder, Bernini and Benedetti at Trinità dei Monti, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 286-289  read online
Ann Sutherland Harris, Angelo de'Rossi, Bernini, and the Art of Caricature, in Master Drawings, 13, 1975 pp. 158-160, 195-204

Articles with substantial mentioning of Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Michael Cole, Giambologna and the Sculpture with No Name, in Oxford Art Journal, 31, 2008 pp. 337-359

Exhibitions with works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini:
2009     On Paper: From Raphael to Beuys, from Rembrandt to Trockel

Born:   7 December 1598
Died:   28 November 1680
ULAN:   500032022