Karen J. Lloyd, Bernini and the Vacant See, in Burlington Magazine, 150, 2008 pp. 821-824
Michael Hall, Gianlorenzo Bernini's third design for the east façade of the Louvre of 1665, drawn by Mattia de Rossi, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 478-482
Tomaso Montanari, A new portrait by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 148, 2006 pp. 478-481
Fabio Barry, New documents on the decoration of Bernini's Fonseca Chapel, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 396-399
Ann Sutherland Harris, Three Proposals for Gian Lorenzo Bernini, in Master Drawings, 41, 2003 pp. 119-127
Loredana Lorizzo, Bernini's 'apparato effimero' for the canonisation of St Elisabeth or Portugal in 1625, in Burlington Magazine, 145, 2003 pp. 354-360
Alice Jarrard, Inventing in Bernini's shop in the late 1660s: projects for Cardinal Rinaldo d'Este, in Burlington Magazine, 144, 2002 pp. 409-419
Thomas Frangenberg, Giovanni Lotti on a lost work by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 144, 2002 pp. 434-437
Andrea Bolland, Desiderio and Diletto: Vision, Touch, and the Poetics of Bernini's Apollo and Daphne, in Art Bulletin, 82, 2000 pp. 309-330
Sarah McPhee, Bernini's Books, in Burlington Magazine, 142, 2000 pp. 442-448
Jennifer Tonkovich, Two Studies for the Gesù and a 'Quarantore' Design by Bernini, in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 34-37
Angela Delaforce, Jennifer Montagu, Paulo Varela Gomes, Miguel Soromenho, A Fountain by Gianlorenzo Bernini and Ercole Ferrata in Portugal, in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 804-811
Dorothy Metzger Habel, Bernini's d'Aste Family Tombs in S. Maria in Via Lata, Rome: A Reconstruction, in Art Bulletin, 79, 1997 pp. 291-300
Gudrun Raatschen, Plaster Casts of Bernini's Bust of Charles I, in Burlington Magazine, 138, 1996 pp. 813-816
Steven F. Ostrow, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Girolamo Lucenti, and the Statue of Philip IV in S. Maria Maggiore: Patronage and Politics in Seicento Rome, in Art Bulletin, 73, 1991 pp. 89-118
Tod A. Marder, Bernini and Alexander VII: Criticism and Praise of the Pantheon in the Seventeenth Century, in Art Bulletin, 71, 1989 pp. 628-645
John Varriano, A Drawing by Bernini for a Print Dedicated to Alexander VII, in Master Drawings, 23/24, 1985 pp. 54-55, 141
Susanne Warma, Ecstasy and Vision: Two Concepts Connected with Bernini's Teresa, in Art Bulletin, 66, 1984 pp. 508-511
Joy Kenseth, Bernini's Borghese Sculptures: Another View, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 191-210
Judith E. Bernstock, Bernini's Memorials to Ippolito Merenda and Alessandro Valtrini, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 210-232
Robert W. Berger, Bernini's Louis XIV Equestrian: A Closer Examination of Its Fortunes at Versailles, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 232-248
George Bauer and Linda Bauer, Bernini's Organ-Case for S. Maria del Popolo, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 115-123
Judith Bernstock, Bernini's Memorial to Maria Raggi, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 243-255
Tod A. Marder, Bernini and Benedetti at Trinità dei Monti, in Art Bulletin, 62, 1980 pp. 286-289
Ann Sutherland Harris, Angelo de'Rossi, Bernini, and the Art of Caricature, in Master Drawings, 13, 1975 pp. 158-160, 195-204