Follower of Philips Wouwerman
Landscape with Horsemen
Style of Philips Wouwerman
Horses and figures at a sutler's tent
Style of Philips Wouwerman
Halt with caravans
Style of Philips Wouwerman
Huntsmen with horses
Follower of Philips Wouwerman
Mounted hunting party in front of a blacksmith shop
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
Horsemen at an encampment
late 18th Century
Follower of Philips Wouwerman
Horsemen resting outside an encampment
Follower of Philips Wouwerman
A military encampment
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
A beggar approaching a lady on horseback
19th Century
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
Travellers at a roadside farrier
19th Century
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
An elegant company departing for the hunt
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
Figures and horses gathered on a country path, a town beyond
18th Century
Circle of Phillips Wouwerman
A cavalry skirmish
Circle of Philips Wouwerman
Travellers resting and watering their horses
Manner of Philips Wouwerman
An elegant hunting party resting before ruins