Alonso Sanchez Coello (1531/32 - 1588)

Spanish painter

Overview | Works (8)

Alonso Sánchez Coello - Bust-Length Miniature
Bust-Length Miniature

Alonso Sánchez Coello - Bust-Length Miniature
Bust-Length Miniature

Alonso Sánchez Coello - Bust-Length Miniature
Bust-Length Miniature

Alonso Sanchez Coello - Holy Family with John the Baptist
Holy Family with John the Baptist

Antonis Mor and Alsonso Sánchez Coello - Alessandro Farnese in Armor
Alessandro Farnese in Armor

Alonso Sánchez Coello - Bust-Length Miniature
Bust-Length Miniature

Alonso Sanchez Coello - Saint Sebastian between Saint Bernard and Saint Francis
Saint Sebastian between Saint Bernard and Saint Francis

Alonso Sanchez Coello - Prince Charles
Prince Charles