Matthias Stom (ca. 1600 - after 1649)

Dutch painter

Overview | Works (29)

 Wolfgang Prohaska and Gudrun Swoboda
Caravaggio und der internationale Caravaggismus
Milano; Wien, 2010

 Ivan Gaskell
Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, The Thyssen-Bornemisza collection
London, 1990

Articles on Matthias Stom
François-George Pariset, Le rapas d'emmaüs par M. Stomer de la coll. Christian Cruse a Bordeaux, in Oud Holland, 68, 1953 pp. 233-236
T.H. Fokker, Nederlandsche schilders in Zuid-Italië, in Oud Holland, 46, 1929 pp. 1-24

Born:   ca. 1600
Died:   after 1649
ULAN:   500014795
RKD:   75464