Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761 - 1845)

French painter

Overview | Works (64)

Books on Louis-Léopold Boilly
 Francesca Whitlum-Cooper
Boilly, Scenes of Parisian life
London; New Haven, Connecticut, 2019

 Susan L. Siegfried
The art of Louis-Léopold Boilly, Modern life in Napoleonic France
New Haven, 1995

 Annie Scottez de Wambrechies and Sylvain Laveissière
Boilly (1761-1845), Un Grand Peintre Français de la Révolution à la Restauration
Lille, 1988

Books with substantial mentioning of Louis-Léopold Boilly
 Everett Fahy (ed.)
The Wrightsman pictures
New York; New Haven, 2005

Articles on Louis-Léopold Boilly
Philippe Bordes, Boilly, Lille, in Burlington Magazine, 154, 2012 pp. 139-140
Bart Boon, Jan Anthony d'Averhoult door Louis-Léopold Boilly: de geschiedenis achter een ongewoon portret, in Oud Holland, 111, 1997 pp. 253-263  read online
John Stephen Hallam, The Two Manners of Louis-Léopold Boilly and French Genre Painting in Transition, in Art Bulletin, 63, 1981 pp. 618-633  read online
Theodor von Frimmel, Louis Boillys "on nous voit", in Blätter für Gemäldekunde, 1, 1904-1905 pp. 111-113

2019     Boilly: Scenes of Parisian Life
Exhibitions with works by Louis-Léopold Boilly:
2017     America Collects Eighteenth-Century French Painting

Born:   5 July 1761
   La Bassée, France
Died:   4 January 1845
   Paris, France
ULAN:   500023946