Bronzino (1503 - 1572)

Italian painter

Overview | Works (10)

Books on Bronzino

 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin--Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Dokumentation der Verluste, Band I - Gemäldegalerie
Berlin, 1995

 Pieter J.J. van Thiel, C.J. de Bruyn Kops, Jola Cleveringa, Wouter Kloek, Annemarie Vels Heijn
All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, A completely illustrated catalogue
Amsterdam; Maarssen, 1976

Articles on Bronzino
Jack Wasserman, The 'St Matthew' tondo for the Capponi chapel in S. Felicita, Florence, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 12-17
Philippe Costamagna, A New Portrait Drawing by Bronzino, in Master Drawings, 48, 2010 pp. 147-154
Janet Cox-Rearick, Friendly Rivals: Bronzino and Salviati at the Medici Court, 1543-48, in Master Drawings, 43, 2005 pp. 292-315
David Ekserdjian, The Purpose of Bronzino's "Dead Christ" Reconsidered, in Master Drawings, 43, 2005 pp. 372-375
Bruce L. Edelstein, Observations on the Genesis & function of Bronzino's Frankfurt Modello for the Vault Decoration in the Chapel of Eleonora, in Lars R. Jones, Louisa C. Matthew (editors-in-Chief), Coming about... a festschrift for John Shearman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001, pp 157-163
Carol Plazzotta, Larry Keith, Bronzino's 'Allegory': New Evidence of the Artist's Revisions, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 89-99
Carol Plazzotta, Bronzino's Laura, in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 251-263
Louis Alexander Waldman, Bronzino's Uffizi 'Pietà' and the Cambi Chapel in S. Trinita, Florence, in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 94-102  read online
Elizabeth Pilliod, Pontormo and Bronzino at the Certosa, in The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal, 20, 1992 pp. 77-88
George R. Goldner, A New Bronzino Drawing, in Master Drawings, 28, 1990 pp. 262-264
Janet Cox-Rearick, Bronzino's Crossing of the Red Sea and Moses Appointing Joshua: Prolegomena to the Chapel of Eleonora di Toledo, in Art Bulletin, 69, 1987 pp. 45-67
Thomas Frangenberg, Der Kampf um den Schleier. Zur Allegorie Agnolo Bronzinos in der National Gallery London, in Rainer Budde (ed.), Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1985/86, pp 377-386
Graham Smith, Bronzino's Allegory of Happiness, in Art Bulletin, 66, 1984 pp. 390-399  read online
Janet Cox-Rearick, Two Studies for Bronzino's Lost "Noli me tangere", in Master Drawings, 19, 1981 pp. 289-293, 354-355
Janet Cox-Rearick, A "Madonna" by Bronzino Reconsidered, in Artibus et Historiae, 4, 1981 pp. 17-27  read online
Scott Schaefer, Bronzino Drawings: A Plus and a Minus, in Master Drawings, 14, 1976 pp. 39-43, 78-79

Born:   1503
   Monticelli, near Florence
Died:   1572
ULAN:   500004362