Hendrick Avercamp (1585 - 1634)

Dutch Golden Age painter

Exhibitions with works by Hendrick Avercamp:
2015     Class Distinctions: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer
2014     Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age
2010     Golden: Dutch and Flemish masterworks from the Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo collection
     Gekoesterde schoonheid. Kunst uit Brabants privébezit
2009     Das Zeitalter Rembrandts
2008     De Gouden Eeuw begint in Haarlem
2007     Drawings from the Dutch Golden Age
2005     Van Cuyp tot Rembrandt. De verzameling Cornelis Hofstede de Groot
     Rembrandt and His Time: Masterworks from the Albertina
2002     Bruegel to Rembrandt: Dutch and Flemish Drawings from the Maida and George Abrams Collection
     A Choice Collection: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Paintings from the Frits Lugt Collection
2001     Hartstochtelijk Verzameld - Beroemde Tekeningen in 18de-Eeuwse Hollandse Collecties
     Winters van weleer - Sneeuw en ijs in het Mauritshuis
2000     Glory of the Golden Age: Dutch art of the 17th century. Drawings and Prints
     Glory of the Golden Age: Dutch art of the 17th century
1999     Van Dyck - Inspirerende landschapstekeningen
     A Moral Compass: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Painting in the Netherlands
1993     Dawn of the Golden Age - Northern Netherlandish Art 1580-1620
1992     Dutch Art and Scotland: A Reflexion of Taste
1990     Great Dutch Paintings in America
1987     Im Lichte Hollands
1986     Dutch Landscape: The Early Years Haarlem and Amsterdam 1590-1650
1976     Art in 17th-century Holland
1961     Holländische Zeichnungen der Rembrandt-Zeit
1901     Ausstellung zum Besten der Hauspflege Handzeichnungen vlämischer und holländischer Zeichner aus dem Besitz des Herrn A. v. Beckerath

Born:   1585
   Amsterdam, Netherlands
Died:   1634
   Kampen, Netherlands
ULAN:   500030575
VIAF:   76587203