Young Man Presenting Candy to a Young Woman
c. 1725
Berend van Iddekinge (1717-1801) with his Wife Johanna Maria Sichterman (1726-1756) and their Son Jan Albert (b 1744)
1744 - 1748
Cornelis van Ceters (1503-99)
1700 - 1753
Woman Playing the Lute
c. 1710
Justina Johanna Ramskrammer (1702-98), Wife of Isaac Parker
Lady at her Toilet
c. 1720
Isaac Parker, his Wife Justina Johanna Ramskrammer and their Son Willem Alexander (1740-1747)
Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Aernout van Citters (1561-1634), Lord of Gapinge
1700 - 1753
Adriaen Caspar Parduyn (1718-47), Councilor and Alderman of Middelburg, Son of Caspar Adriaen Parduyn and Maria van Citters
1735 - 1753
The Bookkeeper
c. 1720-30
Portrait of Caspar Adriaen Parduyn (1685-1735), Bailiff of Middelburg
1705 - 1753
Isaac Parker (1702-55), Merchant of Middelburg
Portrait of Maria van Citters (1684-1752), Wife of Caspar Adriaen Parduyn
1725 - 1753
Portrait of Anna van Hannover (1709-59). Wife of Prince Willem IV
c. 1745