Annibale Carracci (1560 - 1609)

Italian painter

Overview | Works (35)

Books on Annibale Carracci

Articles on Annibale Carracci
Aidan Weston-Lewis, The Annibale Carracci exhibition in Bologna and Rome, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 256-260
Lothar Sickel, Pordenoné, Annibale Carracci and the last will of Claudio Scotti, in Burlington Magazine, 147, 2005 pp. 742-745
Nicholas Turner, Carracci drawings in the Louvre: a new catalogue, in Burlington Magazine, 147, 2005 pp. 745-748
Jonathan Bikker, Balthasar Coymans's Italian Paintings and Annibale Carracci's Melancholy, in Volker Manuth and Axel Rüger (eds.), Collected Opinions, London, 2004, pp 26-33
Sheila McTighe, Foods and the Body in Italian Genre Paintings, about 1580: Campi, Passarotti, Carracci, in Art Bulletin, 86, 2004 pp. 301-323
Keith Christiansen, Annibale Carracci's 'Burial of Christ' Rediscovered, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 414-418
Diane De Grazia, Carracci Drawings in Britain and the State of Carracci Studies, in Master Drawings, 36, 1998 pp. 292-304
Anne Brookes, A Farnese Impresa in Annibale Carracci's 'Sleeping Venus', in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 676-679
Clare Robertson, Annibale Carracci and Invenzione: Medium and Function in the Early Drawings, in Master Drawings, 35, 1997 pp. 3-42
Beverly Louise Brown, Annibale Carracci's 'Coronation of St Stephen', in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 188-193  read online
Jeremy Wood, Padre Resta as a Collector of Carracci Drawings, in Master Drawings, 34, 1996 pp. 3-71
Sivigliano Allosis and D. Stephen Pepper, Annibale Carracci's 'St Francis with Crucifix' Rediscovered, in Burlington Magazine, 138, 1996 pp. 92-95  read online
Aidan Weston-Lewis, Annibale Carracci and the Antique, in Master Drawings, 30, 1992 pp. 287-313
Catherine R. Puglisi, Two Newly Identified Drawings by Annibale Carracci for the Herrera Chapel, in Master Drawings, 22, 1984 pp. 310-315, 373-374
Rupert Hodge, A Carracci Drawing in the Studio of Rubens, in Master Drawings, 15, 1977 pp. 268-269+310-311
David McTavish, Another Drawing by Annibale Carracci in Dijon, in Master Drawings, 13, 1975 pp. 372-374, 426

Articles with substantial mentioning of Annibale Carracci
Theodor von Frimmel, Wiedergefundene Bilder aus berühmten alten Sammlungen, in Blätter für Gemäldekunde, 1, 1904-1905 pp. 5-8

Born:   1560
Died:   1609
ULAN:   500115350