William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)

English painter and engraver

Overview | Works (10)

Books on William Hogarth

 Katharine Baetjer
British paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1575-1875
New York; New Haven and London, 2009

Articles on William Hogarth
Judy Egerton, Hogarth's 'Marriage A-la-Mode' and the copyist Adam Callander, in Burlington Magazine, 145, 2003 pp. 88-91
Bernd Krysmanski, We See a Ghost: Hogarth's Satire on Methodists and Connoisseurs, in Art Bulletin, 80, 1998 pp. 292-310
Karl Arndt, Chronos als Feind der Kunst. William Hogarth und die barocke Allegorie, in Drs. L.D. Couprie, Dr. H.W. van Os, Drs. E.R.M. Taverne en Drs. L. de Vries (eds.), Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 1972, Bussum, 1972, pp 329-342

Exhibitions with works by William Hogarth:
2005     Self Portrait: Renaissance to Contemporary
1986     300 Jahre Hugenottenstadt Erlangen - Vom Nutzen der Toleranz

Born:   10 November 1697
   Smithfield, London
Died:   25 October 1764
ULAN:   500004242