Sebastien Bourdon (1616 - 1671)

French painter

Overview | Works (17)

Books with substantial mentioning of Sebastien Bourdon
 Philip Conisbee
French paintings of the fifteenth through the eighteenth century
Washington; Princeton, N.J., 2009

 Pieter J.J. van Thiel, C.J. de Bruyn Kops, Jola Cleveringa, Wouter Kloek, Annemarie Vels Heijn
All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, A completely illustrated catalogue
Amsterdam; Maarssen, 1976

Articles on Sebastien Bourdon
H.W. van Helsdingen, Summaries of Two Lectures by Philippe de Champagne and Sébastien Bourdon, Held at the Paris Académie in 1668, in Simiolus, 14, 1984 pp. 163-178  read online


Born:   1616
Died:   1671
ULAN:   500006900