Lambert Sustris (c. 1515 - after 1560)

Italian and Dutch painter

Overview | Works (12)

Articles on Lambert Sustris
Bert W. Meijer, Lambert Sustris in Padua: frescos en tekeningen, in Oud Holland, 107, 1993 pp. 3-16
Bert W. Meijer, Over Jan van Scorel in Venetië en het vroege werk van Lambert Sustris, in Oud Holland, 106, 1992 pp. 1-19  read online
Paul Frankl, Die Persephone-Bilder von Lambert Sustris, Rubens und Rembrandt, in Oud Holland, 55, 1938 pp. 156-171
Paul Frankl, Nachtrag zum Aufsatz: Die Persephone-Bilder von Lambert Sustris, Rubens und Rembrandt, in Oud Holland, 55, 1938 pp. 209-210

Exhibitions with works by Lambert Sustris:
2018     The Orléans Collection

Born:   c. 1515
Died:   after 1560
ULAN:   500021563