Heads of a Child and an Old Woman
Bandits Stripping and Raping Two Women (The Bandits' Attack II)
Sketch for St Francis Borgia Attending a Dying Impenitent
Friar Pedro Clubs El maragato with the Gun-butt
The Countess of Haro
before 1808
Royal Company of the Philippines
Man Looking for Fleas in his Shirt
Sketch for The Last Supper
Cannibals Preparing their Victims
Gossiping Women
c. 1785-1790?
Woman with her Clothes Blowing in the Wind
Señora Sabasa Garcia
c. 1806/11
Maria Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga, later Countess of Chinchón
Josefa Castilla Portugal de Garcini y Wanasbrok
Man Eating Leeks