Heads of a Child and an Old Woman
Bandits Stripping and Raping Two Women (The Bandits' Attack II)
Sketch for St Francis Borgia Attending a Dying Impenitent
Friar Pedro Clubs El maragato with the Gun-butt
The Countess of Haro
before 1808
Royal Company of the Philippines
Man Looking for Fleas in his Shirt
Cannibals Preparing their Victims
Gossiping Women
c. 1785-1790?
Sketch for The Last Supper
Señora Sabasa Garcia
c. 1806/11
Woman with her Clothes Blowing in the Wind
Maria Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga, later Countess of Chinchón
Josefa Castilla Portugal de Garcini y Wanasbrok
Man Eating Leeks