Correggio (ca. 1489 - 1534)

Italian painter

Overview | Works (23)

Catalogue raisonné
 Mario di Giampaolo und Andrea Muzzi
Correggio, Die Zeichnungen
Basel, 1990

Books on Correggio
 Birgit Kloppenburg, Gregor J.M. Weber
La famosissima Notte, Correggios Gemälde "Die Heilige Nacht" und seine Wirkungsgeschichte
Emsdetten/Dresden, 2000

 Carmen C. Bambach, Hugo Chapman, Martin Clayton, George R. Goldner
Correggio and Parmigianino, Master Draughtsmen of the Renaissance
London, 2000

Articles on Correggio
Mary Vaccaro, A drawing from the circle of Correggio in the Uffizi, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 472-478
Giancarla Periti, From Allegri to Laetus-Lieto: The Shaping of Correggio's Artistic Distinctiveness, in Art Bulletin, 86, 2004 pp. 459-476
Carmen C. Bambach, A new drawing by the young Correggio, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 691-693
Cathleen Sara Hoeniger, The Reception of Correggio's Loves of Jupiter, in Lars R. Jones, Louisa C. Matthew (editors-in-Chief), Coming about... a festschrift for John Shearman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001, pp 191-197
Martin Kemp, From Different Points of View: Correggio, Copernicus & the Mobile Observer, in Lars R. Jones, Louisa C. Matthew (editors-in-Chief), Coming about... a festschrift for John Shearman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001, pp 207-213
Marianne Joannides, Correggio's Study of Christ the Redeemer for S. Giovanni Evangelista, in Master Drawings, 36, 1998 pp. 409-416
Marcin Fabianski, Correggio's Angel in Parma Cathedral, "Ganymede," and Raphael, in Master Drawings, 35, 1997 pp. 50-53
Diane De Grazia, "Correggio and His Legacy", Further Observations, in Master Drawings, 23/24, 1985 pp. 199-204, 273
J.A. Gere, A New Attribution to Correggio, in Master Drawings, 15, 1977 pp. 256-257+293
David Alan Brown, A Decorative Drawing by Correggio, in Master Drawings, 13, 1975 pp. 136-141, 187

Antonio Correggio
Born:   ca. 1489
   Correggio, Italy
Died:   1534
   Correggio, Italy
ULAN:   500006208