Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)

French impressionist painter

Claude Monet - Floes by the Lock of Port-Villez
Floes by the Lock of Port-Villez

Claude Monet - Norwegian Landscape, Sandviken
Norwegian Landscape, Sandviken

Claude Monet - On the Cliff at Le Petit Ailly
On the Cliff at Le Petit Ailly

Claude Monet - London, Charing Cross Bridge
London, Charing Cross Bridge

Claude Monet - The Seine at Port-Villez, Snow Effect
The Seine at Port-Villez, Snow Effect

Claude Monet - The Hamlet of Falaise, near Giverny
The Hamlet of Falaise, near Giverny

Claude Monet - The Cour d'Albane
The Cour d'Albane

Claude Monet - Springtime Landscape
Springtime Landscape

Claude Monet - The Flood
The Flood

Claude Monet - The Japanese Bridge
The Japanese Bridge

Claude Monet - The House among Roses
The House among Roses

Claude Monet - The Seine at Port-Villez (Rose Effect)
The Seine at Port-Villez (Rose Effect)

Claude Monet - Mount Kolsaas (Rose Reflects)
Mount Kolsaas (Rose Reflects)

Claude Monet - White Poppy
White Poppy

Claude Monet - Red Azaleas in a Pot
Red Azaleas in a Pot

Claude Monet - Rough Seas at the Manneporte
Rough Seas at the Manneporte

Claude Monet - Snow Effect at Limetz
Snow Effect at Limetz

Claude Monet - Rouen Cathedral
Rouen Cathedral

Claude Monet - The Cliff at Le Petit Ailly, Varengeville
The Cliff at Le Petit Ailly, Varengeville

Claude Monet - Charing Cross Bridge
Charing Cross Bridge

Claude Monet - The Fisherman's House, Overcast Weather
The Fisherman's House, Overcast Weather

Claude Monet - Bennecourt

Claude Monet - Rocks at Port-Coton, the Lion
Rocks at Port-Coton, the Lion

Claude Monet - Valley of the Creuse, Afternoon Sunlight
Valley of the Creuse, Afternoon Sunlight

Claude Monet - The Seine at Port-Villez
The Seine at Port-Villez

Claude Monet - The Flowered Arches at Giverny
The Flowered Arches at Giverny

Claude Monet - Sunset

Claude Monet - Morning on the Seine, Clear Weather
Morning on the Seine, Clear Weather

Claude Monet - Charing Cross Bridge
Charing Cross Bridge

Claude Monet - The Japanese Bridge
The Japanese Bridge

Claude Monet - The Seine at Port-Villez
The Seine at Port-Villez

Claude Monet - The Palazzo Ducale Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
The Palazzo Ducale Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore

Claude Monet - Nymphéas (fragment)
Nymphéas (fragment)

Claude Monet - Boats at Rouen
Boats at Rouen

Claude Monet - Lane in the Vineyards at Argenteuil
Lane in the Vineyards at Argenteuil

Claude Monet - Rose-Arches at Giverny
Rose-Arches at Giverny

Claude Monet - Port-Domois at Belle-Ile
Port-Domois at Belle-Ile

Claude Monet - Coastguards Station in the Fog (Blue Effect)
Coastguards Station in the Fog (Blue Effect)

Claude Monet - Dahlias

Claude Monet - Waterloo Bridge, Sunlight Effect
Waterloo Bridge, Sunlight Effect

Claude Monet - Waterloo Bridge, Fog Effect
Waterloo Bridge, Fog Effect

Claude Monet - Islets at Port-Villez
Islets at Port-Villez

Claude Monet - Villas at Bordighera
Villas at Bordighera

Claude Monet - At Les Petites-Dalles
At Les Petites-Dalles

Claude Monet - The Creuse at Sunset
The Creuse at Sunset

Claude Monet - The Seine at Bennecourt in the Winter
The Seine at Bennecourt in the Winter

Claude Monet - Waterloo Bridge
Waterloo Bridge

Claude Monet - The Palazzo Ducale
The Palazzo Ducale

Claude Monet - The Seine at Lavacourt
The Seine at Lavacourt

Claude Monet - The Coast at Varengeville
The Coast at Varengeville

Claude Monet - View of Cap Antibes
View of Cap Antibes

Claude Monet - The Water-Lily Pond
The Water-Lily Pond

Claude Monet - The Road to Giverny
The Road to Giverny

Claude Monet - Landscape at Port-Villez
Landscape at Port-Villez

Claude Monet - The Creuse, Sunset
The Creuse, Sunset

Claude Monet - The Palazzo Ducale Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
The Palazzo Ducale Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore

Claude Monet - The Banks of the River Epte in Springtime
The Banks of the River Epte in Springtime

Claude Monet - Water-Lilies

Claude Monet - Farmyard at Chailly
Farmyard at Chailly

Claude Monet - Frost