Napoleon (1769 - 1821)

French military and political leader, Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814

Books on Napoleon
 Ralph Ashby
Napoleon against great odds, The emperor and the defenders of France, 1814
Santa Barbara, Calif., 2010

 Philip Dwyer
Napoleon, The path to power
New Haven [Conn.], 2008

 Avner Falk
Napoleon against himself, A psychobiography
Charlottesville, Va., 2007

 Odile Nouvel-Kammerer
Symbols of Power, Napoleon and the Art of the Empire Style, 1800-1815
New York, 2007

 Thierry Lentz, Pierre Branda
Napoléon, l'esclavage et les colonies
Paris, 2006

 John A. Davis
Naples and Napoleon, Southern Italy and the European revolutions, (1780 - 1860)
Oxford, 2006

 Stuart Semmel
Napoleon and the British
New Haven, 2004

 David Chanteranne et Isabelle Veyrat-Masson
Napoléon à l'écran, Cinéma et télévision
Paris, 2003

 R.S. Alexander
London, 2001

 Isser Woloch
Napoleon and his collaborators, The making of a dictatorship
New York, 2001

 Jean Tulard
Les vingt jours, (1er-20 mars 1815), Napoléon ou Louis XVIII?
Paris, 2001

 Andrew Roberts
Napoleon and Wellington
London, 2001

 Andy Martin
Napoleon the novelist
Cambridge - Malden, MA, 2000

 Paul Britten Austin
1812, Napoleon's invasion of Russia
London - Mechanicsburg, PA, 2000

 Michael Broers
Europe under Napoleon, 1799-1815
London, 1996

Articles on Napoleon
R. van Luttervelt, De brieventas van Napoleon in het Rijksmuseum, in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 3, 1955 pp. 92-93

Born:   15 August 1769
   Ajaccio, Corsica, France
Died:   5 May 1821
   Longwood, Saint Helena
VIAF:   106964661