Pieter de Neyn (1597 - 1639)

Dutch painter

Overview | Works (5)

Books with substantial mentioning of Pieter de Neyn
 Hans-Ulrich Beck
Jan van Goyen, IV Künstler um Jan van Goyen
Doornspijk, 1991

 Jan Nicolaisen
Niederländische Malerei, 1430-1800, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
Leipzig, 2012

 Jonathan Bikker (ed.)
Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Vol. 1: Artists born between 1570 and 1600
Amsterdam, 2007

 George S. Keyes, Susan Donahue Kuretsky, Axel Rüger, and Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.
Masters of Dutch Painting, The Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit - London, 2004

Articles on Pieter de Neyn
H. Gerson, De Meester P.N., in J.G. van Gelder, S.J. Gudlaugsson (eds.), Nederlands kunsthistorisch jaarboek 1947, Bussum, Amsterdam, 1969, pp 95-111

Born:   1597
Died:   1639
ULAN:   500009244