Bleaching fields near Haarlem
Waterfall with a Castle in a Wood
Low Waterfall in a Wooded Landscape
Landscape with a Body of Water, Tall Trees, a High Gate, Lumber and Bricks
Waterfall in Two Cascades, with a Watch Tower
Wooded Landscape with a Ruined Mill Run and a Ruined Building in the Middle Distance
Water Mill in a Wooded Landscape
Bentheim Castle and a Low Waterfall
Dune Landscape near Haarlem
Wooded Landscape with a Rushing Torrent
Waterfall in a Hilly Landscape with a Wooden Bridge
Winter Landscape with a Mill
c. 1670-75
Wooded Landscape with a Rear View of a Water Mill with a Man in a Punt
Trees and Bushes in a Dune Landscape with a Little Waterfall
Sunset in a Wood
Waterfall with a Steep Hill and Cottages
Two Water Mills and an Open Sluice
Rocky Landscape with a Waterfall
Landscape with a Clump of Tall Trees
Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall
Marsh in a Wood at Dusk
Three Water Mills with Washerwomen at the Foot of a High Hill
Rushing Stream and Low Waterfall in a Mountainous Wooded Landscape
Three Great Trees in a Mountainous Landscape with a River
Waterfall before a Castle