Wood at the Edge of a River
Two Great Oaks in a Marshy, Wooded Landscape
Wooded Landscape with a Stream
House by a Road on a Wooded Slope
Storm off a Coast
Sailing Vessels in a Stormy Sea near a Rocky Coast
Path in the Woods with Dunes in the Distance
Village Church with a Steeple in a Wood
c. 1650
View of a Wood and a Bridge
Road at the Edge of a Wood
Wooded Landscape with a Road and a River
Cottage on a River Bank with a Stone Bridge under a Cloudy Sky
Landscape with a Half-timbered Cottage near a Stream
Farmhouses on a Hilly Road
Country House Flanked by a Brick Wall and Tall Trees near a River Bank
Sailing Vessels in a Thunderstorm
View of the Dam and Damrak at Amsterdam
Landscape with a Clump of Twelve Trees and a Grainfield
c. 1660
Ford in a Wood near a Church
Wooded River Landscape with Figures in a Rowing Boat
Hill with a Cottage and Dovecote
Wooded Landscape by a Pool and Farmhouses
Road through a Wooded Landscape at Twilight
Stream in a Wooded, Mountainous Landscape, with a Man and a Dog
Stone Bridge with a Sluice
Seascape, with a Quay and Beacon
Winter Landscape with a View of the Amstel River and Amsterdam
Road in a Wooded Landscape
Swamp in a Wood
Herdsman and Two Cows at the Edge of a Wood near a Grainfield
Rough Sea
Winter Landscape with Houses and Figures along a Road
Sandy Road in a Forest
c. 1646/47
Small Waterfall in a Rocky, Hilly Landscape with a Distant View of Mountains
Waterfall with a Half-timbered House on a Rocky Hill