Giorgio Vasari (1511 - 1574)

Italian painter, architect, and writer

Overview | Works (8)

Articles on Giorgio Vasari
Rick Scorza, "À me pare, che siano fatte con diligenza": Cosimo Bartoli, Giorgio Vasari, and an Extraordinary Venetian Drawing, in Master Drawings, 48, 2010 pp. 341-351
Aislinn Loconte, The north looks south: Giorgio Vasari and early modern visual culture in the Kingdom of Naples, in Art History, 31, 2008 pp. 438-459
Jan L. de Jong, The Successes of Pintoricchio and the Problems of Vasari, Fortune and Reputation of an Umbrian Painter in Rome on the Threshold of the High Renaissance, in Gert Jan Burgers, Hans Cools, Nathalie de Haan, Marjan Schwegman, Bert Treffers (editorial board), Fragmenta , Turnhout, 2007, pp 173-196
Florian Härb, "Dal vivo" or "Da se": Nature versus Art in Vasari's Figure Drawings, in Master Drawings, 43, 2005 pp. 326-338
Luisa Vertova, Vasari at Venice: An Addendum, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 105-106
Margaret Kuntz, Vincenzo Borghini and Giorgio Vasari: Two Drawings for the Cappella Paolina, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 592-597
Richard Reed, Vasari's Altar-Piece at Castiglione Fiorentino, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 678-681
Florian Härb, Two Drawings for Vasari's Lost "Nativity" in Arezzo and a Fresco by Jacopo Zucchi, in Master Drawings, 36, 1998 pp. 181-188
Marta O. Renger, A Medieval Basis for Vasari's Libro, in Cynthia P. Schneider, William W. Robinson, Alice I. Davies (eds.), Shop Talk, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995, pp 204-206
Florian Härb, A New Drawing by Giorgio Vasari, in Master Drawings, 33, 1995 pp. 51-55
Alessandro Nova, Salviati, Vasari, and the Reuse of Drawings in Their Working Practice, in Master Drawings, 30, 1992 pp. 83-108
Josephine von Henneberg, Of Altars and Drawings: Vasari's Project for S. Stefano dei Cavalieri in Pisa (?), in Master Drawings, 30, 1992 pp. 201-209
Robert G. Babcock and Diane I. Ducharme, A Preliminary Inventory of the Vasari Papers in the Beinecke Library, in Art Bulletin, 71, 1989 pp. 300-304  read online
Charles Dempsey, The Carracci Postille to Vasari's Lives, in Art Bulletin, 68, 1986 pp. 72-76  read online
Fredrika H. Jacobs, Vasari's Vision of the History of Painting: Frescoes in the Casa Vasari, Florence, in Art Bulletin, 66, 1984 pp. 399-416  read online
Fredrika Herman Jacobs, A New Drawing by Vasari for the Sala dei Cento Giorni, in Master Drawings, 20, 1982 pp. 371-374, 420-421
Edmund Pillsbury, The Sala Grande Drawings by Vasari and His Workshop: Some Documents and New Attributions, in Master Drawings, 14, 1976 pp. 127-146, 187-200

Exhibitions with works by Giorgio Vasari:
2018     The Orléans Collection
2009     On Paper: From Raphael to Beuys, from Rembrandt to Trockel

Born:   1511
Died:   1574
ULAN:   500017608