Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (1621 - 1674)

Dutch Golden Age painter, pupil of Rembrandt

Exhibitions with works by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout:
2023     Rembrandt and His Contemporaries. History paintings from The Leiden Collection
2020     Rembrandt and Amsterdam portraiture, 1590-1670
2019     Inside Rembrandt 1606-1669
     Rembrandt's Light
2014     Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age
     Old Drawings, New Names. Rembrandt and His Contemporaries
2011     Lichtgefüge - Das Licht im Zeitalter von Rembrandt und Vermeer
     Ilone et George Kremer. Héritiers de l'Âge d"Or hollandais
2009     Drawings by Rembrandt and His Pupils: Telling the Difference
     Das Zeitalter Rembrandts
2008     Rembrandt, een jongensdroom
2007     Drawings from the Dutch Golden Age
     Rembrandt et la Nouvelle Jérusalem, juifs et chrétiens à Amsterdam au siècle d'or
2006     Prenten in de Gouden Eeuw - van kunst tot kastpapier
2005     Rembrandt in Rotterdam: Drawings of Rembrandt and his Circle in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
     Rembrandt and His Time: Masterworks from the Albertina
     Drawings by Rembrandt and His Pupils in the Collection of Jean de Grez
2004     Het geschenk
2002     Kopstukken. Amsterdammers geportretteerd 1600-1800
     Bruegel to Rembrandt: Dutch and Flemish Drawings from the Maida and George Abrams Collection
2001     Vermeer and the Delft School
2000     Pride and Joy: Children's Portraits in The Netherlands 1500-1700
     Glory of the Golden Age: Dutch art of the 17th century. Drawings and Prints
1999     Zeichnungen aus fünf Jahrhunderten - Eine Stuttgarter Privatsammlung
     Rembrandt by himself
1998     Beelden van een strijd. Oorlog en kunst vóór de Vrede van Münster
1995     Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck... Italiensehnsucht nordischer Barockmaler - Meisterwerke aus dem Museum der Bildenden Künste Budapest
1992     Drawings by Rembrandt and his Circle
1991     Rembrandt: the Master & his Workshop
1990     Great Dutch Paintings in America
1988     Rembrandt et son école
     Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Hermitage
1987     Im Lichte Hollands
     Niederländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts aus Budapest
1985     Masterpieces from The National Gallery of Ireland
1983     The impact of a genius: Rembrandt, his pupils and followers in the seventeenth century
1976     Art in 17th-century Holland
1961     Holländische Zeichnungen der Rembrandt-Zeit
1901     Ausstellung zum Besten der Hauspflege Handzeichnungen vlämischer und holländischer Zeichner aus dem Besitz des Herrn A. v. Beckerath

Born:   19 August 1621
Died:   29 September 1674
ULAN:   500026211
VIAF:   74122152