Sandro Botticelli (c. 1445 - 1510)

Florentine painter and draftsman

Overview | Works (19)

 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin--Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Dokumentation der Verluste, Band I - Gemäldegalerie
Berlin, 1995

 Michael Jaffé
The Devonshire Collection of Italian Drawings, Tuscan and Umbrian Schools
London, 1994

 Pieter J.J. van Thiel, C.J. de Bruyn Kops, Jola Cleveringa, Wouter Kloek, Annemarie Vels Heijn
All the paintings of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, A completely illustrated catalogue
Amsterdam; Maarssen, 1976

Articles on Sandro Botticelli
Caroline Campbell, Filippino Lippi and Botticelli, Rome, in Burlington Magazine, 154, 2012 pp. 64-65
Géza Jászai, "Heilige Repräsentation" / "Santa Rappresentazione". Zur Deutung des Bardi-Altars von Botticelli in Berlin, in Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 73, 2010 pp. 273-281
Scott Nethersole, Botticelli, Frankfurt, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 126-128
Duncan Bull, De Rijksmuseum Botticelli onder de loep: de gevaren van natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek, in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 56, 2008 pp. 48-57  read online
Gail S. Weinberg, D.G. Rossetti's ownership of Botticelli's 'Smeralda Brandini', in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 20-26
Andrew C. Blume, Botticelli's Commission for Sant'Elisabetta delle Convertite & the Courtauld Trinity, in Lars R. Jones, Louisa C. Matthew (editors-in-Chief), Coming about... a festschrift for John Shearman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001, pp 27-31
Michael Rohlmann, Kontinuität und Künstlerwettstreit in den Bildern der Sixtinischen Kapelle, in Roland Krischel (ed.), Wallraf_richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1999, pp 163-196
Bram de Klerck, Botticelli's nieuwe lente, in Kunstschrift, 42, 1998 pp. 3
Richard Stapleford, Intellect and Intuition in Botticelli's Saint Augustine, in Art Bulletin, 76, 1994 pp. 69-80
Ellen Callmann, Botticelli's Life of Saint Zenobius, in Art Bulletin, 66, 1984 pp. 492-496  read online

Articles with substantial mentioning of Sandro Botticelli
Francis Haskell, Botticelli, Fascism and Burlington House - The 'Italian Exhibition' of 1930, in Burlington Magazine, 141, 1999 pp. 462-472

Exhibitions with works by Sandro Botticelli:
2018     Old Masters from the Hermitage
2008     Renaissance Faces: Van Eyck to Titian

Born:   c. 1445
Died:   1510
ULAN:   500015254