Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890)

Dutch post-impressionist painter, active in the Netherlands and France.

Articles on Vincent van Gogh
Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen, Munch : Van Gogh An Introduction, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 10-32
Reinhold Heller, 'In part myself': Edvard Munch and Vincent van Gogh Compared, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 62-80
Magne Bruteig, On Native Soil: The Early Years, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 82-99
Maite van Dijk, Vive la France! Munch, Van Gogh and French Modern Art, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 100-123
Jill Lloyd, Van Gogh and Munch: A Question of Style, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 124-151
Uwe M. Schneede, Pictures in Concert: Van Gogh's 'Decoration' and Munch's Frieze of Life, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 152-169
Magne Bruteig, The Sower and the Butterfly: On Van Gogh's and Munch's Drawings and Watercolours, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 170-187
Leo Jansen, Mixed Media: Munch and Van Gogh as Writers, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 188-199
Maite van Dijk, Disclosing the Affinity, in Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig and Leo Jansen (eds.), Munch : Van Gogh, Brussels; Amsterdam; Oslo, 2015, pp 200-219
Louis van Tilborgh and Teio Meedendorp, The life and death of Vincent van Gogh, in Burlington Magazine, 155, 2013 pp. 456-462
Louis van Tilborgh, Teio Meedendorp, Ella Hendriks, Don H. Johnson, C. Richard Johnson Jr and Robert G. Erdmann, Weave matching and dating of Van Gogh's paintings: an interdisciplinary approach, in Burlington Magazine, 154, 2012 pp. 112-122
Louis van Tilborgh and Evert van Uitert, Van Gogh in search of his own voice, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 15-43
Richard Kendall, "Teaching us to see":Van Gogh and the natural world, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 45-53
Simon Kelly, "A big, good enterprise": Van Gogh and his markets, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 55-69
Nicole Myers, Van Gogh and thinking nude, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 71-87
Teio Meedendorp, Van Gogh's topography - (a little bit) true to nature, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 89-115
Timothy J. Standring, Vincent's progress, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 117-134
Alisia Robin Coon, Van Gogh timeline, in Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, pp 235-267
Cornelia Homburg, Nature so close, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 2-39
Anabelle Kienle, Poetic nature, A reading of Van Gogh's letters, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 40-65
Jennifer A. Thompson, Van Gogh and close-up techniques in 19th-century French painting, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 66-97
Joseph J. Rishel, Vincent and the North, Five case studies up close, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 98-119
Richard Shiff, Matière très matière, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 120-153
Ulrich Pohlmann, Van Gogh and photography, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 154-183
Anabelle Kienle, Still Life, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 186-201
Jennifer A. Thompson, Sous-bois, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 202-211
Noelle C. Paulson, Blades of Grass, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 212-223
Noelle C. Paulson, High Horizons, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 224-235
Cornelia Homburg, Tree trunks, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 236-247
Rakhee Balaram, Anatomy of the close-up: Van Gogh through the looking glass, in Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, pp 250-264
Louis van Tilborgh and Ella Hendriks, Dirk Hannema and the rediscovery of a painting by Vincent van Gogh, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 393-405
Martin Bailey, The Van Goghs at the Grafton Galleries, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 794-798
Bernhard Mendes Bürgi, Nina Zimmer und Walter Feilchenfeldt, Zwischen Erde und Himmel - van Goghs Landschaften, Eine Einführung, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 13-29
Gottfried Boehm, Auge und Emotion - van Goghs Landschaften, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 30-47
Walter Feilchenfeldt, Theo van Gogh als Sammler der Landschaftsbilder seines Bruders, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 48-57
Carel Blotkamp, Ruisdael in der Provence, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 58-77
Laura Coyle, Poesie der Felder und Wälder, Voncent van Gogh und die französische Landschaftsmalerei, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 78-95
Nina Zimmer, Van Gogh in Serie, Zyklen, Gruppen, Triptychen, in , Vincent van Gogh, Ostfildern, 2009, pp 96-117
Marije Vellekoop, A newly discovered drawing by Van Gogh, in Burlington Magazine, 150, 2008 pp. 106-109
Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Gezeichnete Bilder, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 11-15
Teio Meedendorp, Der Anfang vom Anfang, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 19-31
Sjraar van Heugten, Die wachsende Bezoehung zwischen van Goghs Zeichnungen und Gemälden, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 33-47
Marije Vellekoop, Künstler im Dialog: Gauguins und Bernards Einfluss auf van Goghs Werk von 1888 bis 1889, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 49-67
Martin Bailey, Arles mit den Augen van Goghs, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 69-81
Fred Leeman, "Lignes senties". Van Gogh in Diskussion mit Gauguin und Bernard in Arles und Saint-Rémy, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 83-97
Heinz Widauer, Zeichnen mit Linien, Farbe und Worten, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 99-113
Chris Stolwijk, Vincent Willem van Gogh, in Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, pp 440-443
Eva Rovers, "He is the key and the antithesis of so much": Helene Kröller-Müller's fascination with Vincent van Gogh, in Simiolus, 33, 2007/2008 pp. 258-272
Meta Chavannes and Louis van Tilborgh, A missing Van Gogh unveiled, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 546-550
Joan E. Greer, The artist's correspondence in late nineteenth-century publications on art: The letters of Vincent van Gogh in the Belgian periodical Van Nu & Straks, in , Current Issues in 19th-Century Art, Zwolle; Amsterdam, 2007, pp 112-135
Marit Ingeborg Lange, The provenance of Vincent van Gogh's 'Self-portrait' in Oslo, in Burlington Magazine, 148, 2006 pp. 113-116
Martin Bailey, Vincent van Gogh's portraits of Alexander Reid, in Burlington Magazine, 148, 2006 pp. 116-119
Martin Bailey, The British discover Van Gogh, in Martin Bailey, Van Gogh and Britain, Edinburgh, 2006, pp 17-35
Frances Fowle, Van Gogh in Scotland, in Martin Bailey, Van Gogh and Britain, Edinburgh, 2006, pp 37-43
Judit Geskó, Van Gogh in Budapest, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 16-20
Roland Dorn, Vincents Geige, Van Goghs Selbstbild, seine Interpreten und sein Oeuvre, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 23-45
Roland Dorn, Vincent's Violin, Van Gogh's Self-Portrait(s), His Interpreters and His Oeuvre, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 46-63
Werner Hofmann, Alles reizte ihn zum Widerspruch, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 65-73
Werner Hofmann, Everything Provoked Contradiction, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 74-81
Oskar Bätschmann, Vincent van Gogh erwählt sich Rembrandt und Delacroix, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 83-95
Oskar Bätschmann, Van Gogh Chooses Rembrandt and Delacroix, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 96-105
Cornelia Homburg, Van Gogh and Rembrandt: Motivation for a Modern Painter, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 107-119
Judit Geskó, The Question of Distortion in Van Gogh's Graphic Art or Might Michelangelo Have Been a Model?, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 121-129
Sjraar van Heugten, Nine Lithographs and an Etching. The Graphic Work of Vincent van Gogh, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 131-141
Péter Molnos - Judit Geskó, Vincent van Gogh's Works in Hungary, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 143-167
Árpád Tímár, The Reception of Van Gogh's Art in Hungary, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 169-177
Martha op de Coul, The Brief Life of Vincent van Gogh, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 199-215
Ilona Fekete, Vincent van Gogh and French Graphic Arts or the "Faithful Veterans", in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 375-383
Judit Geskó, Vincent van Gogh's Musée Imaginaire. Related Works from the Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 385-197
Monika Bincsik, "A Simple Worshipper of the Eternal Buddha". The Japonisme of Vincent van Gogh, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 399-413
Péter Molnos, Parallels and Influences. Van Gogh and Hungarian Painting, in Judit Geskó (ed.), Van Gogh in Budapest, Budapest, 2006, pp 449-465
Colta Ives, Out of Line: How Van Gogh Made His Mark, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 3-19
Sjraar van Heugten, Metamorphoses: Van Gogh's Drawings Then and Now, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 41-55
Sjraar van Heugten, The Dutch Years, 1880-85, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 56-58
Sjraar van Heugten, Antwerp and Paris, 1885-88: The Academy and the Avant-Garde, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 122-123
Susan Alyson Stein, Arles, 1888-89: The Synthesis, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 144-146
Susan Alyson Stein, First Encounters, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 147-151
Colta Ives, A Visit to the Sea, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 164-165
Colta Ives, Summer Harvest, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 189-190
Susan Alyson Stein, Figure and Portrait Drawings, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 222-225
Colta Ives, The Heights of Montmajour, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 236-237
Colta Ives, Gardens, Parks, and Byways, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 248-249
Susan Alyson Stein, Répétitions: Drawings after Paintings, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 266-277
Susan Alyson Stein, Drawing to a Close, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 278-281
Marije Vellekoop, Saint-Rémy, 1889-90: Taking Asylum, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 294-297
Marije Vellekoop, Auvers, 1890: Return to the North, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 330
Marjorie Shelley with scientific analysis by Silvia A. Centeno, Technical Studies: Observations on the Drawing Materials Used by Van Gogh in Provence, in Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, pp 348-359
Marije Vellekoop und Sjraar van Heugten, Vincent van Gogh in Antwerpen und Paris: Moderne Kunst für moderne Zeiten, in Uwe M. Schneede (ed.), Vincent van Gogh, Hamburg, 2002, pp 7-21
Wulf Herzogenrath, Van Gogh and the Bremen Kunsthalle before 1914, in Wulf Herzogenrath and Dorothee Hansen (eds.), Van Gogh: Fields, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2002, pp 12-17
Roland Dorn, Dorothee Hansen, Van Gogh's Fields, in Wulf Herzogenrath and Dorothee Hansen (eds.), Van Gogh: Fields, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2002, pp 32-51
Ella Hendriks, Louis Van Tilborgh, Van Gogh's 'Garden of the Asylum': genuine or fake?, in Burlington Magazine, 143, 2001 pp. 145-156
Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov, The Ownership of Vincent van Gogh's 'Sunflowers', in Burlington Magazine, 140, 1998 pp. 184-192
Richard Kendall, Evangelism by Other Means: Van Gogh as a Painter, in Richard Kendall, Van Gogh's van Goghs, Washington; New York, 1998, pp 19-143
Sjraar van Heugten, The Life of Vincent van Gogh, in Richard Kendall, Van Gogh's van Goghs, Washington; New York, 1998, pp 145-147
Evert van Uitert, Van Gogh als bescheiden 'Übermensch', in Kunstschrift, 41, 1997 pp. 32-35
Martha Op de Coul en Annet Tellegen, Vincent van Gogh en Antoine Furnée, in Oud Holland, 109, 1995 pp. 95-100
Louis van Tilborgh, Een lastig probleem, De lijsten voor Van Gogh, in Kunstschrift, 39, 1995 pp. 33-37
Uwe M. Schneede, Van Gogh in Paris, in , Van Gogh. Die Pariser Selbstbildnisse, Stuttgart, 1995, pp 11-23
Evert van Uitert, Ein nervöses Temperament. Vincent van Gogh malt sich selbst, in , Van Gogh. Die Pariser Selbstbildnisse, Stuttgart, 1995, pp 24-37
Christoph Heinrich, Treibhaus für Ideen. Das Paris Vincent van Goghs, in , Van Gogh. Die Pariser Selbstbildnisse, Stuttgart, 1995, pp 38-52
Louis van Tilborgh, Starry, starry night, Van Gogh's Sterrennacht, in Kunstschrift, 38, 1994 pp. 36-41
Vojtech Jirat-Wasiutynski, Vincent van Gogh's Paintings of Olive Trees and Cypresses from St.-Rémy, in Art Bulletin, 75, 1993 pp. 647-670
H. Henkels, Cezanne en Van Gogh in het Rijksmuseum voor Moderne Kunst in Amsterdam, De collectie van Cornelis Hoogendijk (1866-1911), in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 41, 1993 pp. 155-294
Thomas Noll, Zur Bedeutung des Raumes in der Kunst von Vincent van Gogh, in Frank Günter Zehnder (ed.), Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1993, pp 233-264
Walter Stephan Laux, Die Van Gogh-Ausstellung der Galerie Arnold, Dresden 1905, in Oud Holland, 106, 1992 pp. 33-34  read online
Cornelia Homburg, Affirming modernity: van Gogh's Arlésienne, in Simiolus, 21, 1992 pp. 127-138
Beate Müller, Der Maler auf der Strasse nach Tarascon, in Frank Günter Zehnder (ed.), Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1991, pp 293-316
Martha Op de Coul, De Laakmolen in Den Haag door Vincent van Gogh, in Oud Holland, 104, 1990 pp. 336-340
, The Van Gogh centenary, Exhibitions, events, publications, acquisitions, in Burlington Magazine, 132, 1990 pp. 302-304
Xander van Eck, Van Gogh and George Henry Boughton, in Burlington Magazine, 132, 1990 pp. 539-540
Jan Hulsker, The elusive van Gogh, and what his parents really thought of him, in Simiolus, 19, 1989 pp. 243-270
Martha Op de Coul, A painted impression of Brabant: a joint work by Vincent van Gogh and Anton Kerssemakers, in Simiolus, 19, 1989 pp. 271-276
Ron Manheim, The "Germanic" van Gogh: a case study of cultural annexation, in Simiolus, 19, 1989 pp. 277-288
Walter Feilchenfeldt, Van Gogh fakes: the Wacker affair, with an illustrated catalogue of the forgeries, in Simiolus, 19, 1989 pp. 289-316
Roland Dorn, Een tekenaar onder schilders: Vincent van Gogh in Den Haag, 1881-1883, in John Sillevis, Roland Dorn, Hans Kraan (eds.), De Haagse School, Den Haag, 1988, pp 57-80
Jan Hulsker, Bedroom problems, in Simiolus, 18, 1988 pp. 257-261
Judy Sund, The Sower and the Sheaf: Biblical Metaphor in the Art of Vincent van Gogh, in Art Bulletin, 70, 1988 pp. 660-676  read online
Patricia Mathews, Aurier and Van Gogh: Criticism and Response, in Art Bulletin, 68, 1986 pp. 94-104  read online
Lauren Soth, Van Gogh's Agony, in Art Bulletin, 68, 1986 pp. 301-313  read online
Dietrich Schubert, Vincent van Goghs Porträt des Armand Roulin, in Rainer Budde (ed.), Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Köln, 1985/86, pp 329-348
Carol Zemel, The 'Spook' in the Machine: Van Gogh's Pictures of Weavers in Brabant, in Art Bulletin, 67, 1985 pp. 123-137  read online
Tsukasa Kodera, Japan as Primitivistic Utopia: Van Gogh's Japonisme Portraits, in Simiolus, 14, 1984 pp. 189-208  read online
Martha op de Coul, Een mannenfiguur, in 1882 door Vincent van Gogh getekend, in Oud Holland, 97, 1983 pp. 196-200
John A. Walker, Van Gogh's Drawing of La Crau from Mont Majour, in Master Drawings, 20, 1982 pp. 380-385, 424
Evert van Uitert, Van Gogh's Concept of His Oeuvre, in Simiolus, 12, 1981/82 pp. 223-244  read online
Evert van Uitert, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin in Competition: Vincent's Original Contribution, in Simiolus, 11, 1980 pp. 81-106  read online
Evert van Uitert, Vincent van Gogh in Anticipation of Paul Gauguin, in Simiolus, 10, 1978/79 pp. 182-199  read online
Evert van Uitert, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin: A Creative Competition, in Simiolus, 9, 1977 pp. 149-168  read online
Martha op de Coul, De toegang tot de 'Bank van Leening' in Den Haag, getekend door Vincent van Gogh, in Oud Holland, 90, 1976 pp. 65-69
H. Jaffé, Van Gogh en de Nederlandse schilderkunst der zeventiende eeuw, in Drs. L.D. Couprie, Dr. H.W. van Os, Drs. E.R.M. Taverne en Drs. L. de Vries (eds.), Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 1972, Bussum, 1972, pp 363-371
Mark W. Roskill, Van Gogh's exchanges of work with Emile Bernard in 1888, in Oud Holland, 86, 1971 pp. 142-179
Anne Stiles Wylie, An investigation of the vocabulary of line in Vincent van Gogh's Expression of Space, in Oud Holland, 85, 1970 pp. 210-235
Evert van Uitert, De toon van Vincent van Gogh. Opvattingen over kleur in zijn Hollandse periode, in Simiolus, 1, 1966-67 pp. 106-115
Mark Roskill, Van Gogh's 'Blue Cart' and His Creative Process, in Oud Holland, 81, 1966 pp. 3-19
Annet Tellegen-Hoogendoorn, Geen panoramalandschap bij Van Gogh, in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 12, 1964 pp. 57-61
Joost A.M. Meerloo, Vincent van Gogh's quest for identity, in J. Bruyn, H.L.C. Jaffé, E.F. van der Grinten, S.H. Levie (eds.), Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 14, Bussum, 1963, pp 183-197
Christian Carroy, Een panoramalandschap van Van Gogh, in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 10, 1962 pp. 139-142
A. Bredius, Herinneringen aan Vincent van Gogh, in Oud Holland, 51, 1934 pp. 44

Articles with substantial mentioning of Vincent van Gogh
Anna Gruetzner Robins, 'Manet and the Post-Impressionists': a checklist of exhibits, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 782-793

Vincent Willem van Gogh
Born:   30 March 1853
Died:   29 July 1890
ULAN:   500115588
VIAF:   9854560