Robert Adam (1728 - 1792)

Scottish neoclassical architect, interior designer and furniture designer

Overview | Works (1)

Books on Robert Adam
 Eileen Harris
The genius of Robert Adam, His interiors
New Haven, 2001

 Katharine Baetjer
British paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1575-1875
New York; New Haven and London, 2009

Articles on Robert Adam
Adriano Aymonino, Decorum and celebration of the family line: Robert Adam's monuments to the 1st Duchess of Northumberland, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 288-296
Michael Snodin, Adam silver reassessed, in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 17-25  read online
Eileen Harris, Home House: Adam versus Wyatt, in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 308-321  read online
Katharine Eustace, Robert Adam, Charles-Louis ClĂ©risseau, Michael Rysbrack and the Hopetoun Chimneypiece, in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 743-752  read online
A.A. Tait, Robert Adam and John Clerk of Eldin, in Master Drawings, 16, 1978 pp. 53-111
A.M. Louise E. Erkelens, Robert Adam als ontwerpervloertapijten, in Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, 11, 1963 pp. 103-108

Born:   3 July 1728
   Kirkcaldy, Fife
Died:   3 March 1792
ULAN:   500008907
VIAF:   59122607