Andrea del Sarto (1486 - 1530)

Florentine painter

Overview | Works (19)

 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin--Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Dokumentation der Verluste, Band I - Gemäldegalerie
Berlin, 1995

 Michael Jaffé
The Devonshire Collection of Italian Drawings, Tuscan and Umbrian Schools
London, 1994

Articles on Andrea del Sarto
Jonathan Unglaub, Bernardo Accolti, Raphael's 'Parnassus' and a new portrait by Andrea del Sarto, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 14-22
George R. Goldner, Two New Drawings by Andrea del Sarto, in Master Drawings, 36, 1998 pp. 29-32
David Franklin, A Proposal for Early Andrea del Sarto, in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 106-108  read online
Louis Alexander Waldman, A Document for Andrea del Sarto's 'Panciatichi Assumption', in Burlington Magazine, 139, 1997 pp. 469-470  read online

Exhibitions with works by Andrea del Sarto:
2018     The Orléans Collection
2009     On Paper: From Raphael to Beuys, from Rembrandt to Trockel

Born:   1486
Died:   1530
ULAN:   500025314