Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi (1606 - 1680)

Italian painter, printmaker, and architect

Overview | Works (3)

Articles on Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi
Danuta Batorska, Grimaldi's Drawings for Vault Decorations in Two Rooms of the Palazzo Nuñez, in Master Drawings, 35, 1997 pp. 43-49
Danuta Batorska, Grimaldi's Designs for the Sets of "Il Trionfo della Pietà ovvero La Vita Humana", in Master Drawings, 32, 1994 pp. 40-49
Hiske Lulofs, A Design by Grimaldi for the Forty Hours Devotion, in Master Drawings, 30, 1992 pp. 320-325
Danuta Batorska, Grimaldi's Design of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at the Cathedral of Tivoli, in Master Drawings, 14, 1976 pp. 169-171, 227

Born:   1606
Died:   1680
ULAN:   500028673