Still life with game birds
c. 1665-75
A Cock, Hens and Chicks
Dead Birds and Hunting Equipment in a Niche
c. 1633
A study of a helmetshrike on a branch
An eagle, swallow, snipe and finch in flight
Birds in a Park
c. 1670/80
Animals and Plants
c. 1668
Birds in a Park
c. 1670/80
The Raven Robbed of the Feathers He Wore to Adorn Himself
Domestic poultry menaced by an eagle
A cockerel and other decorative fowl in a landscape
Birds on a Balustrade
c. 1680-90
A green parrot with a silver salver, wine glass and bread roll on a balustrade, with elegant figures and a boy and dog on steps before an arch
Landscape with Exotic Animals
c. 1690-92
Monkeys and grapes on a ledge before a balustrade, a view to a river landscape beyond
Chickens and Ducks
c. 1680
Geese and Ducks
c. 1680
A Hunter's Bag, with Dead Hare
Dead Cock Hanging from a Nail
Seven Chicks
c. 1665 - c. 1668