Simon Turner, Hollar in Holland: Drawings from the Artist's Visit to the Dutch Republic in 1634, in Master Drawings, 48, 2010 pp. 73-104
Joseph Monteyne, Enveloping Objects: Allegory and Commodity Fetish in Wenceslaus Hollar's Personifications of the Seasons and Fashion Still Lifes, in Art History, 29, 2006 pp. 414-443
Pierre de la Ruffinière du Prey, Temple of Jerusalem Etchings for the Bible by Wenceslaus Hollar, in Volker Manuth and Axel Rüger (eds.), Collected Opinions, London, 2004, pp 126-137
A.M. Hind, Wenceslaus Hollar, Part I., in The Print Collector's Quarterly, 17, 1930 pp. 7-22
A.M. Hind, Wenceslaus Hollar, Part II, in The Print Collector's Quarterly, 17, 1930 pp. 116-137