Cornelis Troost

'Rumor erat in casa' (There Was a Commotion in the House)

Cornelis Troost - 'Rumor erat in casa' (There Was a Commotion in the House)

Cornelis Troost
'Rumor erat in casa' (There Was a Commotion in the House)
570 x 730 mm
Pastel and brush in gouache on paper
Mauritshuis, The Hague


Collection catalogues
Compiled by Quentin Buvelot, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague; Zwolle, 2004, pp. 310-311

Paul Schnabel, Anders gekeken, Zwolle, 2021, fig. 221
Pennen over penselen, Den Haag; Zwolle, 2022, pp. 150-151


Probably commissioned by Theodoor van Snakenburg, Leiden, 1739-1740
J. Tak, Zoeterwoude, 1781
J.A. Benner, Leiden, 1829
Mauritshuis, The Hague, purchased 1829

External links

Mauritshuis, The Hague Accession number 189

Other works by Cornelis Troost

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Joanna and the pedlars from the comedy 'The spendthrift'

Cornelis Troost Pefroen and the Sheep's Head
Pefroen and the Sheep's Head

Cornelis Troost An Organ Grinder
An Organ Grinder

Cornelis Troost The Mathematicians or the Young Lady Who Ran Away: the Dispute Between Doctors Raasbollius and Urinaal
The Mathematicians or the Young Lady Who Ran Away: the Dispute Between Doctors Raasbollius and Urinaal

Cornelis Troost 'Erat sermo inter frates' (The Brothers Were Having a Conversation)
'Erat sermo inter frates' (The Brothers Were Having a Conversation)