Edgar Degas

The Morning Ride

Edgar Degas - The Morning Ride

Edgar Degas
The Morning Ride
85.1 x 64.8 cm
Oil on canvas
The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit
Founders Society Purchase, Ralph Harman Booth Bequest Fund


L 118


1998 Degas at the Races, Nr. 26

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Blue dancers
Blue dancers
c. 1895

Edgar Degas Horses in a landscape
Horses in a landscape
c. 1860

Edgar Degas Mary Cassatt Seated, Holding Cards
Mary Cassatt Seated, Holding Cards
c. 1880-84

Edgar Degas Ballet dancers
Ballet dancers
c. 1895-1900

Edgar Degas The Fallen Jockey
The Fallen Jockey
c. 1896-98