
Study of a Prophet or an Apostle

Rembrandt - Study of a Prophet or an Apostle

Study of a Prophet or an Apostle
c. 1636
157 x 102 mm
Pen and bistre


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 1954-57 124 info

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Standing Old Man
Standing Old Man
c. 1637

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Susanna at the Bath, and the Two Elders
c. 1648-49

Rembrandt The Entombment of Christ
The Entombment of Christ
c. 1648-50

Rembrandt The Good Samaritan Arriving at the Inn
The Good Samaritan Arriving at the Inn
c. 1641-43

Rembrandt Christ Comforted by the Angel on the Mount of Olives
Christ Comforted by the Angel on the Mount of Olives
c. 1648-50