Edgar Degas

At the Racecourse

Edgar Degas - At the Racecourse

Edgar Degas
At the Racecourse
450 x 310 mm
Essence and brown wash, heightened with white gouache on ocher-colored paper prepared with oil
Louvre, Paris


L 259


1998 Degas at the Races, Nr. 53

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Four Studies of a Jockey
Four Studies of a Jockey
c. 1868-70

Edgar Degas Group of dancers
Group of dancers
c. 1897-1901

Edgar Degas Three Studies of a Jockey
Three Studies of a Jockey

Edgar Degas Man Riding
Man Riding
c. 1878

Edgar Degas Two dancers at rest
Two dancers at rest
c. 1897-1901